Saturday, October 04, 2003

HEAR O ISRAEL. Deut. 6:4 A declaration made to all Israel, natural and spiritual. To that which is born of the flesh and that which is born of the Spirit. The Lord would reveal Himself and make Himself fully known to both. Jehovah [LORD] our Elohim [God], is Jehovah [LORD] one. Deut. 6:4 When the name of the LORD, Elohim is used the LORD is opening the revelation of Himself. Elohim is in the plural, and while representing the one true Jehovah, He is also making known the plurality of the LORD our God. One Elohim. Can there be One God and that God be an Elohim, plural in nature and being? In the apex of His creation, Elohim revealed the true nature of His essence. He did not create man after El, God singular, but after Elohim. So, in order for us to begin to understand the exact essential quality of Elohim, He said, Let US [plurality of persons] make man. Gen. 1:26 The LORD God created ONE man, who was body, soul and spirit. One yet a Triad, not three persons or personalities but a single man, who was a body with a soul and with a spirit. Thus what the LORD created was in the perfect image and likeness of Himself. OUR image and OUR likeness.” The personal pronoun is used repeatedly to emphasize for us the exact being of the Lord Elohim. That which was created had to bear the similitude and appearance or shape of Elohim. Gen. 1:26 While the work of the Lord was perfect, yet when comparing man with God, it is like comparing dirt with gold. At his very best, man is but a shadow of his Creator. Ps. 39:4-6 

ONE LORD [JEHOVAH] AND HIS NAME ONE. It is through the revelation of His name that we see the completeness and the unity of the person of the LORD. He will be King over the whole of the earth and will be known by His name. Zech. 14:9 While His name is one, in the uniqueness of the Trunity the name Lord is shared, and shared alike. In the sharing of the name once again the unity of the Godhead is manifest. Jesus, in offering praise directed it toward the Father and addressed Him as Lord. Mt. 11:25 The Lord proclaimed Himself to be a Father. 2 Cor. 6:18 The witness and testimony of the Holy Spirit is that Jesus is Lord. The teacher, the Holy Spirit would have us to confess Jesus as Lord. 1 Cor. 12:3 The name of the Lord Jesus Christ is a name that in its entirety was bestowed upon Him by His Father. It is that name which is above all others. Phil. 2:9 The Father exalted Him to the highest place and authority. The expectation of the Father is that all tongues, that is, every man who has ever been born into this world, as well as angels, fallen or otherwise, will strongly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord. In which action, the Father is glorified. Sounds like He is pretty proud of His Son. Phil. 2:11 The Holy Spirit likewise bears the name Lord and is acknowledged as Lord. 2 Cor. 3:18 [NIV] From the Lord, who is the Spirit.] or Now the Lord is the Spirit. A name that is shared because of the perfect unity existing in the Godhead.