THE NUMBER ONE. The first and primary of all numbers. The number which is indivisibly by other numbers, yet can enter into and divide all others. It is also translatable as, first. Its significance is that of unity. There is but one God. All others are excluded. The Lord said to Israel, Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD. Deut 6:4 It is being stated that the God of Israel is the true and eternal God. The name LORD as used here is Jehovah. The word, one, is the significant word for our study. In the Hebrew it is the word, echad, which means united. We will continue to see that one when applied to the LORD bears the meaning of united or uniting into one. Jesus quoted this verse in Mark 12:29 in speaking to the scribe.

MANY, NOTED AS BEING ONE. The whole population of the earth, at that time were united [one, echad] by speaking one language and having the same expressions. Gen. 11:1 We have here the example of unity which is resident in the word, one. Many were in complete unity. The LORD took note of this and stated that the people is one. A unity which was producing the wrong results. The LORD therefore changed their linguistic abilities and caused them to speak a variety of languages. The resulting effect must have been a comical thing to witness as they sought out those of their own new language. Gen. 11:6-8 The theme of many being one is used by Paul in his letter to the Corinthians when speaking about the Church being the body of Christ. The body, is one but a multiplicity of members unified by the Holy Spirit into one. 1 Cor. 12:12 This unity of the body is verified and sealed by the one Spirit. Those who are molded in to that one body are called in the one hope of the high calling of God, in Christ Jesus. Called by and unto the one Lord. In order to fully comprehend who and what the Lord is we must be able to recognize that He is a unique unity in His oneness. He is a Triunity. One God, who is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Eph. 4:4 There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. The scriptures reveal clearly the Divine Being as one who is a Triunity. The Father is not praying to Himself, but the one mediator, excluding all others, is constantly petitioning His Father on our behalf. 1 Tim. 2:5 There could not be found a more compassionate mediator than the Lord Jesus. He is the all compassionate one. The only one who has been touched by the feeling of our infirmities. There is not a situation in this life but what He, Himself has faced, and conquered the problem, temptation or sickness. Heb. 4:15 Petitions presented to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus have direct access to the throne of the Lord.