Saturday, January  24, 2004

THE LORD MADE A COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM. Abram and Sarai, though promised a child from the Lord had not yet received the fulfillment of the promise. The Lord who delights in doing the impossible marked time until the two of them had reached the area of impossibility. As far as producing a child, they both were considered to be as good as dead. Through their faith in the promise of the Lord they were able to receive renewed, restored bodies which brought forth the promised seed. Heb. 11:11-12 In his ninety-ninth year the Lord came to Abram as the Almighty God [El-Shaddai, the strong or powerful one.] The Lord with whom there are no impossibilities. He is the Lord of all sufficiency. He is still able to supply all our needs, in Christ Jesus. He was about to demonstrate His power and ability over the process of aging and death. The fact that Abram was ninety-nine is also significant for nine is the number of the Holy Spirit. Surely the Spirit of the Lord was at work in their lives. Gen. 17:1

THE POWER OF A NAME CHANGE. The Lord imparted a portion of the nature and character of Himself to both Abraham and Sarah. Which is something that He always does when He brings a person into fellowship with Himself. The Lord took the letter H of His own Divine and glorious name, Jehovah and inserted it into theirs. His name brings life. The letter H is the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, that is why it is significant to this study. The name change was prophetic for Abraham was indeed to become the Father of a multitude. Sarah was to have the poise and bearing of a Princess. As with salvation by the blood of Christ and by His marvelous name, there will be a change in the life style of the individual. They were charged to walk before the Lord in perfection. Gen. 17:1 If it were a requirement for that day certainly it is the same today. Not Impossible for there are no impossibilities with the Lord. 

THE NUMBER FIVE AND THE TABERNACLE. The number five or a multiple of the number is the predominant number in the structure. The total number of its pillars was sixty. Twenty on each side and ten on each end. The sixty divided by five gives us the sum of twelve [tribes of Israel] or a number signifying grace in government. The first coverings of the Tabernacle were ten made of fine linen with cherubim embroidered in them. Five curtains were coupled together making them to be of twenty cubits width. Twenty, the number of consecration unto the Lord. The beginning age of the priest. Then the two curtains were joined together by fifty blue loops and fifty clasps of gold. Ex. 26:1- 6 Blue is the color of the Spirit. Fifty is the number of the Spirit. The one hundred loops [fifty in each] portrays the double portion of the Spirit. In particular a full portion of the Spirit an evidence of the last day out pouring of the Spirit in glorious and copious showers of revival fires. There are more, enjoy searching the scriptures.