82 – Sept.16, 2008.
A happy turn of events for the Jewish inhabitants changed what would have been their complete end, to a annual season of joy and rejoicing. Day which had been chosen for evil became a day of great rejoicing. A perpetual time of the giving of thanks and commemoration of the deliverance of the Lord. Ironically, Purim has as its root the Persian word pur which means to choose by lot. The Lordís actions are never by chance. His work of deliverance for the Jews was deliberate and accurate. He knows exactly what He is doing. Est. 9:27-32

The book of Esther is the record of another historical event showing the mighty hand of the Lord being manifest on behalf of His people. He raised up of a deliverer, out of absolutely impossible situations, who brought about extreme changes to the benefit of the people of Israel. We think of Joseph, Daniel and now Esther and Mordecai. The circumstances were not always pleasant by any means, but after many trials and difficulties, they were exalted to high positions of leadership in heathen countries. They were blessed of the Lord and were responsible for the deliverance and preservation of the people of Israel.

We can only conjecture as why Ahasuerus would at this time lay a tax upon the people. The act, located as it is, in this particular setting, would have to be in connection with what had taken place and would have been to the benefit of the Jews. Est. 10:1.

All the deeds quoted in relationship to Mordecai indicate that he was a very active leader in the kingdom. He is noted as being a man of power, of authority and beneficial leadership. He was mighty or forceful in his decisions and saw to it that they were carried out. He must have been a popular leader for his greatness was known throughout the kingdom. He was advanced by the king and given full authority to direct the whole country. He was a man in whom the people of Israel took great delight for many of his actions were for their benefit. Est. 10:2-3. END.

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