Elisha knew exactly what he needed for his future ministry. The fullness of the Spirit of Elijah. He specified it to be a double portion or the completeness of the manifestation of the Spirit in his life. 2 Kings 2:9 Wonderfully, the recorded miracles of Elisha are just twice that of Elijah. His request was considered by Elijah to be difficult, but there was a way whereby it could be accomplished. It all depended on Elisha seeing Elijah at his translation. He had to keep his eyes fixed on Elijah. 2 Kings 2:10 What an example. We want the Lord to work today as in the past but where is our vision centered? If it is on the Christ of God, then the experience of Elisha will be seen in mighty power.

How fitting it is that the prophet who had called down fire from heaven would in his last moment on earth be separated from his younger prophet by a chariot of fire and horses of fire. Most assuredly the Lord was present in a mighty way. 2 Kings 2:11 However, Elijah did not hitch a ride in the chariot of fire on his way to heaven. He was transported by the hurricane/typhoon which was no doubt created by the fiery presence of the Lord. The revelation of the throne of the Lord to Ezekiel was a throne surrounded by great activity of wind and fire. These are not harmful but demonstrate the constant flow of the glory and the Spirit of the Lord coming from the throne. Eze. 1:4.

What an amazing sight this was for Elisha. The glory of the Lord was far greater than he had anticipated and that remains true for those who would desire to see the glory of the Lord today. The mantel fell from Elijah and before Elisha would wear it he tore his clothing apart. What he had been, he no longer was to be. He was taking the place of the man of God, the prophet Elijah. The old would have been but a hindrance. The old man must be laid aside that the new man may ever lead and guide. The Lord will use those in whom the new nature, the nature of Christ, is manifest.

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