Victory over their enemies was not fully accomplished in one day. Therefore the second day or the fourteenth day of the month was necessary for the eradication of all their enemies. On this day another three hundred were slain. Est. 9:15 A through, double cleansing was necessary to rid the palace of those who had the spirit of Haman. Haman had spread his venom throughout the palace staff. Bitterness had ruled his life so strongly that it destroyed everything that he loved in life. He aptly demonstrated the scripture through the root of bitterness which ruled his life. Heb. 12:15 It is impressive that the things of value possessed by those who were slain was not touched by the Jews, thus demonstrating that their purpose was none other than to rid themselves of their enemies. The total number of those who were killed amounted to seventy five thousand. Est. 9:16.

Under the first decree, that of Haman, the Jews were targeted to be utterly eliminated and their wealth confiscated. The second edict, that of Mordecai, gave the Jews permission to resist, to fight against those who hated and persecuted them. The Jews were able to assemble and were united against their enemies to do battle against them. They gathered themselves together. ìThey stood for their lives.î Thus indicating that it was not a lop sided battle. The enemy was determined to carry out Hamanís wicked decree. Under the authority given them by Mordecaiís edict they had the right to resist and destroy all those who would have destroyed them. Est. 9:16.

Their victory brought them to a time of rest and celebration. It was to be a time of great feasting and joy. Est. 9:17 In the provinces they celebrated on the fourteenth day of the month but in Shushan they had to wait until the fifteenth day of the month. Consequently the ended up celebrating for two days, both the fourteenth and the fifteenth.

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