These men are a type of the antichrist. Est. 2:21 The evil force that is within. The Pastor (W.H. Offiler) under whose ministry I was saved, eighty three years ago, taught us and taught us well that the antichrist would be from the church. In these decades of time I have heard and read the prophecies of many so called great prophetic ministers. The list of the world leaders which they chose as the antichrist is too long to enter here. Almost every past political leader, and many religious as well, was chosen by them as the antichrist, yet they have all passed off of the scene.

The antichrist is presented as one sitting in the temple of God. 2 Thess. 2:4 Now, what is the temple of God? A mega church? A huge building? How does the Word define it. Know ye not that your body is the TEMPLE of the Holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 6:19 This as yet unrevealed and unnamed antichrist will first of all be a spiritual leader in the body of Christ, the church. Definitely, he is not the Pope, past or present. He will ultimately be the head of all the religious bodies of the earth. There is no question but what he will eventually become a political leader also. Note his character. He is the leader of the opposition, got one in your church? He is filled with pride for he will exalt himself. Always bragging and promoting himself while down grading everyone else about him. 2 Thess. 2:4.

He is the beast of Revelation thirteen. He will possess a big mouth, the ability to persuade people. His power to manipulate and influence will supersede all. Rev. 13:5 With his foul and blasphemous mouth he will curse God and His people. He is a man appealing to both men and women. A man of war who will make war and overcome the tribulation saints. Rev. 13:7 Woops, there will be saints in the tribulation? How about the teaching that says we all escape the tribulation? Study to show yourself approved of the Lord. 2 Tim. 2:15 It is the Spirit of the Lord who is holding back the powers of darkness until the proper time. Yes, the Lord works on a schedule. 2 Thess. 2:6-7.

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