The Jews who at one time in this account faced utter annihilation at the hands of their enemies, as a unit rise up and destroy their enemies. The complete reversal of the circumstances demonstrated the hand of the Lord being displayed in might and power. The Lord had sent them into Babylon as a punishment from Him due to their disobedience to the Word. It was not His intent that they cease to exist as a nation. Est. 9:5 Like David they could rejoice in the Lord knowing that He had subdued and delivered them from their enemies. Ps. 18:47-48.

The number of those slain who were of the kings palace was five hundred. That is an amazing number. His staff must have been immense. Then to find such a large number who were of the nature and spirit of Haman so close to the affairs of the kingdom, they would have had a tremendous effect on the decisions being made in the palace. The leaders of the nations have always been in the hands of the Lord. He works through them to accomplish His will on earth. Paul said; that the power which are in existence are ordained of God. Rom. 13:1 Changes of times and seasons are in His hands. He removes national leaders and He establishes them. Dan. 2:21 There is no question of His involvement in the affairs of men. He is in absolute control.

Among those to be slain were the ten sons of Haman. Thus the possibility of a return to a government such as that which existed during the time of Haman became difficult. Est. 9:7-10 It is certainly noteworthy that contrary to what would have taken place, had it been the Jews who were slain, the Jews took none of the spoils. Their object in slaying their enemies was to bring them freedom from those who hated them. Ahasuerus was well aware of the number slain in the palace. Nevertheless he extended his offer of complete cooperation with Esther in any request that she might present to him. She had found full and complete favor in his sight. Est. 9:12.

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