The next destination of the prophets Elijah and Elisha was Jericho, the place of fragrance. A pleasant area in which to dwell. The fragrance with which the place was noted for reminds us of the special anointing oil which was reserved for the anointing of the priesthood. Here likewise those who were prophets like himself discouraged Elisha, but nothing was about to hinder him from achieving his goal. Once again Elijah pressed Elisha to stay behind.
2 Kings 2:4 However, Elisha had set his mind and goal on receiving spiritual benefits from Elijah and would not be deterred. He was going all the way with him.

Elijah ordered to go to Jordan. Jordan is representative of death. Elisha is encouraged by Elijah to cease from following him. Elisha cannot be turned aside. Those who are successful in their spiritual life must have the tenacity of Elisha. Interestingly, fifty (the number of Pentecost) of the prophets stood a far off watching these two as they proceeded to Jordan. They were not about to get close to the action. They were quite comfortable with their current position. Who and what their accomplishments, if any, were is not recorded in the history of Israel, but Elishaís deeds are documented. 2 Kings 2:7.

The actions of Elijah at Jordan were that of a true prophet. Practical, yet an unusual manifestation of his faith in the power of the Lord. His mantel, could have been a sheep skin for that was the sign of the office of the prophet in those days. Heb. 11:37 That would give a Messianic touch to the situation. The mantel was rolled together and used to smite the river Jordan. Immediately, the miracle of a divided river was performed and the two of them crossed over on DRY GROUND. 2 Kings 2:8 A double miracle had been created, the waters stopped flowing and the river bottom became absolutely dry. This was the second time that this had taken place at what must have been the same place. Josh. 3:15-17.

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