Seven special maid servants were given Esther by Hagai.
Women who originated from the kings palace and would have been acquainted with the ways of the king and the customs of the court. This would have given her an insight and an advantage into the ways of the new life which she was now facing. Numbers are always important in the scriptures. The number seven is the number of divine fullness or divine perfection. It is a positive signal from the Lord that He is acting on her behalf. Add Esther to the number and we have the number eight, which is the number of resurrection and new life. It foreshadowed the future life of both Esther and the children of Israel. Est. 2:9 What the Lord was abut to accomplish through Esther was not for her alone but for the entire nation of captives.

Esther and her little troop were then moved into the best area of the house of the women. From her humble beginnings, not yet chosen to be the queen but already benefited with the best. Human nature being what it is, it must have been infuriating to the others to see how very special she was being treated. It is as if the shadow of being chosen to be the queen was already covering her. As far as Hagai was concerned, she fit all the criteria of the new queen, without having to undergo the lengthy preparation. If he were to be consulted by Ahasurues at all, there is no question concerning his recommendation. He preferred her, among other meanings given this word, preferred is the thought of folding, or two fold, double. It is significant of the very special blessing of the Lord which rested upon Esther. The two fold, or double portion is not limited to twice as much, but embraces the thought of completeness or fullness and typifies the revival of the last days. A glorious event which will culminate in a perfect church, who will be the bride of Christ. She is destined to be filed with all the fullness of the Lord.
Eph. 3:19 The people filled with all the majesty and power of the Lord, who bear His likeness in every aspect.

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