THE MAN THAT IS BLESSED OF THE LORD. Isa. 56:2 The Lord Himself, is a man of action and expects those who follow Him to be likewise. The man who is pursuing the will of the Lord. Finding it he lays hold of the same, holding it fast, and does it. The man who honors the {Sabbath}, or rest of the  Lord. While under the New Testament economy we do not keep Sabbath as they did under the law, we are not free from a rest and time of worship that is given to the Most High. Isa. 28:11-12 The rest for the church of today is in the infilling of the Spirit. Here we cease from our own work and effort and allow the Spirit to work in and through us. There is as much difference as night and day between that which is done with the effort of man and that  which is accomplished by the Spirit.

A SPECIAL MESSAGE. Isa. 56:3-7 Addressed to the stranger and the
eunuch those who might not fit the norm and as such are excluded. If they
cling to the covenant of the Lord and do those things that please Him, 
they will have a special place in the house of the Lord. They will be given 
a gift that is better than offspring and that is a name that is everlasting 
and will not be cut off. The sons of strangers, maybe a little racism present, 
If they love the name of the Lord and fulfill His word they will be found in 
the holy mountain of the Lord. There they will find joy and their offerings will be accepted. Surely, the Lord is no respecter of persons. The house of 
prayer, here is the secret of any and every revival that the world has ever 
known. They are all birthed in sincere, heartfelt prayer and the seeking of 
the face of the Lord. v.8 An open door and a call not only to the outcasts of 
Israel but to all the peoples of the earth. True revival cannot be restricted 
to a building nor a city. Revival is like a forest fire, it roars its way 
over mountain and into the valleys. A conflagration that consumes all in its 
path. Lord send the fire!

A VERY SPECIAL CALL TO THE CHURCH. Isa. 60:1 It is time to rouse
up from lethargy and serve the Lord with a whole heart. The last days are to
be days of great spiritual activity in the true church. She is alive and awake.
Vibrant with the working of the Spirit constantly and fully manifest in her. 
Song 2:10 She has heard the call of her beloved and will respond to Him. Their love is perfect and unlimited. Their love is the what love is all 
about. They love as only God can love. SHINE. Show forth the glory of the 
Lord. Your light, the light that is the LORD. That true light, the light that 
blazes forth to all the world. That day when the understanding and doctrine of 
the bride will be one. When the workings and moving of the Spirit will be
according to the will of the Lord and not of man, no imperfection but 
pure and absolute perfection. Isa. 52:8 An absolute unity and blending 
together in song, pure harmony. Like the one hundred twenty trumpets, of 
absolute agreement, until their sound was one. When the true Zion is restored 
they will minister with the comprehension of the Spirit and the Word. They 
will see eye to eye. Eph.4:5 One faith or doctrine. This is the way it 
should be and shall be in the church of His perfection.

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