REGENERATION AND RENEWAL. Titus 3:5-6. It seems strange to use
the word regeneration, rebirth, in relationship to the church. But Paul,
{Gal. 4:19} travailed again for the Galatian church. His prayer was for the
forming of the Christ life within them. The beauty of the Christian life is to
be made manifest in each and every believer. It will produce an awakening,
a reviving and the consequent fullness of blessing. That which is washed of
the Lord, in His blood is pure and clean. Subsequently, the renewing, the
reviving, the renovation of the Spirit is evidenced. He is the HOLY SPIRIT,
the SPIRIT OF HOLINESS. His presence produces holiness. He requires separation from the things of the flesh. He motivates consecration and dedication to the Lord. If we really want to be the recipient of His Spirit,
there is a way set before us in His Word. Let us do it and be blest.

PHENOMENAL GROWTH ASSURED. Isa. 44:4 Where there is an abundance of water, grass will readily grow and furnish a beautiful green
carpet of life. Like poplar trees, growing in abundance beside a stream.
Ps. 1:1-3 As with the natural fruit tree there are certain requirements such
as locality, sunshine, water, and pruning. So with the spiritual tree. The atmosphere required for growth is to be separated in our walk from the
advice or thinking of the wicked. The Christian walk is extremely important.
The life pattern of the sinner is not beneficial to spiritual growth. To have
fellowship with the scorner will taint the spirit and develop attitudes that
cannot promote growth. Contrariwise his joy is found in the Word of God
and it becomes his constant companion. The one committed to the Lord
will be like a tree, deep rooted and fruit bearing. Waters are assured him
because of being located by the flowing stream. His leaf, the source of life
for the tree will never wither. Because of the root system there is the ability
to draw nutrients from the soil {the Word}, the tree is healthy and strong. Whatsoever that person does will prosper. For a life that is blest of 
the Lord, fully follow His ways and instructions. 

THE GOD OF SALVATION. Isa. 12:2 I will trust and not fear. This is the 
age of fear. Fear is expressed in the world today as much as any other 
emotion. To illustrate how unreasonable fear is, the safest way to travel is the 
one most feared. But to those who have confidence in the Lord, JEHOVAH has
become our strength and stay. v.3 Facing adversity, we draw living waters
from the well of salvation. Our strength is in the joy of the Lord. v.4 IN THAT DAY. Songs of revival. THE LORD IS PRAISED. Praise from a thankful heart that is filled with the Lord. A spontaneous act that flows from deep within the spirit man. People CALL UPON HIS NAME. He is sought after, not for what He can and does do for us, but by virtue of who He is. Because He is altogether lovely. His works are declared to all people when revival fires burn. 

HIS NAME IS EXALTED. How well we know that there is no other name that saves. The name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST is a name that His Father bestowed on Him. There is no greater name in heaven nor on earth than His name. Lift His name on high. Shout it, whisper it must be constantly be upon our lips. v.5 SING UNTO THE LORD, because of His excellent works. There is no song like the song of true worship unto the Lord. v.6 CRY OUT AND SHOUT. The sound of triumph. There is victory in the camp when the shout of the LORD is heard.THE CAUSE, the greatness of the Lord in the midst of His people. He not only surrounds them, He fills them to overflowing with His presence. He abides within them. He will occupy the Temple of His creation, the word of His hands. The joy and delight of His heart and life. His power and presence ever dwelling within a people of His holiness. They have been made identical to Him. His perfect image. 

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