WHOM I HAVE CHOSEN. Isa. 44:1 Just who are the chosen, the elect of the Lord? 1 Peter 1:2 The Apostle defines for us the chosen, the elect of God. They were chosen in the foreknowledge of the Lord. It does not mean that he picked out certain people and rejected others for whatever purpose.
Because He knows the end from the beginning and all that is between. He accepted what would become the history of mankind on the earth. More so the actions and reactions of every individual, who would ever be born, were known to Him. He saw it all and said let it be so and so it is. Eph. 1:4 We were chosen in HIM from before the beginning of this world. Chosen to be lovers of Christ and allow HIS love to permeate our lives. Called to holiness. To be holy for He is holy. Purity of life, of spirit, soul and body  are trade marks of the called out ones. Separated to be without fault, without blemish or worldliness of any kind. Revival demands total commitment to the will and ways of the Lord.

WITH WHOM HAS HE ESTABLISHED HIS COVENANT? Gen. 17:7 A covenant that is well established, with great strength and assurance. It is an eternal covenant, covering time and eternity. It is accomplished in the seed to come Gal. 3:16 The fulfillment of the promise is to that seed, not many seeds, but the promised seed which is in Christ. Those who are in Christ are the called out ones, the chosen, the elect of God. They are the recipients of grace and not followers because of race. 2 Thes. 2:13 Chosen to be saved, in Christ. More evidence of the work of grace, sanctification, being cleansed and set apart unto the Lord. Learning to allow HIS life to be lived in us. Belief of the truth. Embracing the WORD of GOD as the truth. Without compromise or rejection of any part of it. Having faith in its divine truths and allowing that word to dwell richly in our hearts and lives. The WORD is the revelation of the Lord Jesus. Our obedience to it will be according to our consecration and commitment to the Lord. People of revival will live in the Word. It is their life source. 

THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, WHO ARE THEY? Phil. 3:5 Who better to answer that question than the man who was of the stock of Israel. A Hebrew of the Hebrews. A man of great credentials, both of race and grace. The past, lost and exchanged for great gain. v. 6 That I may win Christ. What Paul said in DEFINING A JEW. Rom. 2:28-29 The person who is one inwardly, in the spirit and has been circumcised in his heart. Being a NEW CREATURE is of great value. Rom. 11:7 Israel did not obtain what was sought after but THE CHOSEN did. Eph. 5:12 To be without Christ is to be alienated and a stranger from the commonwealth of Israel. In Christ all are citizens having been purchased by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. Col. 3:20 In Chris, status of life or race has no bearing. All are of one  family, the family of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Therefore, we apply Isaiah forty-four to the end of the age and to all who are in Christ, Jew and Gentile. No one is rejected if they come the way of the Lord.

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