Tahun 2000 – 2010


GPdI was born in the flaming fervency of the Holy Spirit. It is a church created by the Lord under circumstances that in other countries it has been impossible for a church to blossom and grow. GPdI is a jewel in the hands of the Lord. A move of the Lord that is unique. It has stood in its independence since its inception and should continue to do so. Most church organizations in the world would be happy to gain such a prize. It would be a feather in their cap. The price for joining a world church organization is greater than any have taken time to evaluate. The scriptures provide the hearing ear with a prophecy, a thus saith the Lord, that will show the end result of such an amalgamation.

GIDEON, whose name means warrior, was indeed a mighty man of the Lord and was so acknowledged by the Lord. He was a deliverer to Israel from the enemy that had plagued them for years. When Gideon, died, his generation passed away. Unfortunately, so did the power and the strength of his contemporaries, and the freedom which they had enjoyed. I shall never forget a GPdI conference held in Beji attended by many of the pioneers of Pentecost in Indonesia. Men and women of the Lord, all of whom we count it a privilege to have known and fellowshippied in Indonesia. At the conclusion of a Bible Study on the Bride, the Spirit of the Lord came upon them. There was a mighty volume of praise which arose from them as they stood for over an hour, with their hands raised to the Lord, worshipping in the Spirit. There had been no urging to do so, it was just a sovereign move of the Spirit. I have seen the same move of the Spirit at various times and in various places. There is nothing like it in all of this world. These pioneers left a heritage that cannot be evaluated. Now, they are gone to their reward, and it would seem as if there is a desire for a king. Listen to what the Word of the Lord has to say about such a desire.

THE KING. The people asked Samuel for a king. The people did not take time to completely consider what a king would require of them. Samuel, now an old man spoke bluntly and very plainly to them. He also had the mind of the Lord in his warning. The Lord had told Samuel that they had not rejected him, but had rejected the Lord. 1 Sam.8:7 Notice carefully what the Lord told Samuel would take place and Samuel passed it on to the elders. The key word is, TAKE, and not receive. This word is found some six times in the address of Samuel to the elders of Israel. Both, history and experience has proven this to be true, they come taking and not giving. The message is in 1 Samuel 8:11-17. The Lord also warned them that when they realized all this they would cry out unto the Lord and He would not pay any attention to them. 1 Samuel 8:18.

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