The confession of Jonah was full and complete. He revealed to the crew that he was fleeing from the presence of the LORD. Jonah 1:10 Out of their deep fear they continue to question his motive. Why would anyone attempt to run from the LORD, or even attempt to resist Him, as did Saul. He found himself unable to resist the mighty strength and constant goading of the Lord. Acts 9:5, 26:14 To attempt to go contrary to the will of the Lord is to lose the battle and to suffer affliction.

The problem, what to do with Jonah. One who is out of the will of the Lord is a constant source of irritation and is always creating a problem for themselves and others who are around them. Jonah knew and gave the solution to them. Just throw me overboard. Jonah was not about to commit suicide by jumping over the side of the ship himself. The sailors did not want to commit murder by casting him overboard. They had one huge problem. The winds and waves did not let up but intensified. They were in the midst of a mighty storm with hurricane winds and waves tossing in every direction. Jonah admitted that it was because of his attitude toward the call of the Lord that they were in this predicament. Jonah 1:11-12.

Not wanting to take Jonah’s life and desiring to save their own, they rowed all the harder trying to beach the ship. All to no avail for the winds only increased and the waves rose higher in resistance to their efforts. Most likely they were loosing ground rather than gaining headway. Jonah 1:13 They learned that it is impossible to fight against the will of the Lord. He does that which pleases Him. Ps. 115:3 Under any circumstances, Jonah was going to Nineveh. The Lord would see to that Men who apparently had a variety of gods among them suddenly pray to the LORD (Jehovah). They cried, called out or shouted to the LORD. Not in disrespect but under the pressure of the conditions in which they found themselves, they prayed earnestly, sincerely and fervently. It was most definitely time to seek the LORD, they had a real dilemma on their hands.
Their prayer was unto the LORD (Jehovah) the God of Israel. They approached the LORD by using His name. They were acknowledging Him as God. Their own gods were forgotten or shunned for the true and living God. It was a prayer of repentance and seeking forgiveness for the action they were about to take against Jonah. It was most definitely a prayer of sincerity and humility before the Lord. People who are desperate usually pray. Unfortunately, it is seldom a prayer of repentance but one seeking help and deliverance out of a distressful situation. Consider also, that in their prayer they let the Lord know that He had placed them all in the circumstances under which they now found themselves. Their only possible solution was to toss Jonah into the raging waters. Jonah 1:14.

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