THE UNDYING WORM. This worm is spoken of as an eternal everlasting entity, but not in a pleasant manner. Isa. 66:24 It is an element of the ungodly dead that will forever find its place with eternal fire. There is that, even in the unrighteous dead, that will continue to exist, for it is undying. Scientist have delved into the mysteries of creation and have discovered a substance of life called DNA. When Isaiah prophesied that they were to
look at those who had transgressed against the Lord and to take note that their worm shall not die. Was he talking about DNA which is found in every living organism on the face of the earth? Each to their own kind. DNA contains the genetic code which determines the functions and development of that which is living. It has the appearance of a coiled rope. Is this what was referenced to by Isaiah, as their worm? Jesus, referred to the words of Isaiah and quoted them in Mark 9:44, 48, thus verifying the authenticity of everlasting existence, even in hell.

SCARLET. Scarlet is associated with the worm for the color scarlet was obtained from a pea shaped insect (Heb. Tola, worm). Called scarlet or crimson, its message is one of salvation through the precious blood of the Lord Jesus. The experience of the two spies in Jericho and their subsequent escape with the help of Rahab prompted them to promise deliverance for her and her household, if she place a scarlet thread in the window. Joshua 2:18-19 They were saved from the destruction visited upon the rest of Jericho. She is later to be found in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus. Mt. 1:5 We wonder some times concerning the origin of many of the adages used in every day conversation. This one is very obvious, saved by a thread. Many others have their origin in the Bible. Can you name some?

CLEANSING. The cleansing of a leper required five items. Lev. 14:4-7 Five is the number of atonement. The living bird was bound to the cedar (the cross). Then dipped in the blood and running water, (washed in the blood and baptized in water). The living bird was then loosed to fly freely bearing the message of the cross. The blood was applied to the leper seven times and he was pronounced clean. The blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 The color scarlet was used extensively in the garb of the high priest as a witness and testimony to atonement by blood. Ex. 28:6-15 Scarlet was one of the colors used in the pomegranates that decorated the hem of the garment of the high priest. Ex. 28:33-35 The woman with the issue of blood need but touch the hem of the garment of Christ and she was made whole. Mt. 9:20 In the land of Gennesaret they brought all that were sick and diseased and they were healed as they touched the hem of His garment. What a multitude this must have been, Mt. 14:36.

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