The LORD spoke to the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry ground. Jonah 2:10 What a momentous moment. For the fish, it was good riddance. Jonah, as a rebel, would have been a stomach full and the fish was relieved to rid itself of him. The fish, gladly obeyed the command of the LORD. Jonah was unceremoniously spewed, vomited from the mouth of the fish. It was a happy moment for both Jonah and the fish. They were now delivered, one of the other.

The sun probably never looked so good to Jonah as when he was released from the darkness of the belly of the fish. Seventy two hours in the gastric juices of the stomach of that fish could have bleached him pretty good. At the very least, there was a strong fish odor about him. The fresh ocean air and the solid footing of the beach were as a joy and delight to him. Just think of the alarm had someone been near to observe his disembarking. The second time, the word of the LORD came to Jonah. The command and the message were still the same. The call came this time to a changed Jonah. He was more than willing to hear what the Lord had to say to him. His response and obedience was immediate. He had spent three days and three nights in death and was now a resurrected Jonah. It changed his life. Jonah 3:1.

Every member of the body of Christ is called upon to follow the Lord Jesus into His death, burial and resurrection. Thus, the life of Jonah not only was a type of the Lord Jesus, but becomes an example for us in many ways. Among them, being buried with Christ. Paul taught water baptism to be a burial and a resurrection, whereby the people of the Lord would be able to walk in newness of life. Rom. 6:4 Water baptism is not a church ritual, it is an opportunity to identify with Christ in His experience of death and resurrection. When properly executed it is death to the old carnal nature and a bursting forth into to glorious new life in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in the Lord. Faith that when we are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we identify fully and completely with Him in every aspect of His life. Faith says; that all that Christ is, in every measure, in every aspect is now mine because of water baptism and identification with Him in His death and resurrection. Col. 2:12.

The Word teaches us that we should spiritually, be crucified with Christ. Rom. 6:6 Buried with Him. Rom. 6:6 Col. 2:12 His promises include being, now, raised with Him. Eph. 2:6 The same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead is the Spirit which dwells in the Spirit filled of today and will demonstrate that Spirit of life in us, if we but believe. He is the quickening power of the Lord which He has made available to all even today.Rom. 8:11.

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