Rev.Clyde Joe McKnight

Obituary written by C. Joe, August 30, 2010:

At home. To be away from the body is to be at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:8. “We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.” New International Version (NIV)

Rev. C . Joe McKnight born March 12, 1919 in Astoria, Oregon to Clyde Jethroe and Lavinia McKnight, is now at home. Having passed from this life to that which is everlasting on August 1, 2011.




Sejauh mana pentingnya pelajaran ini dan mengapa kita mempelajarinya?

1. Karena pokok-pokok pelajaran tentang Roh Kudus adalah salah satu pengajaran (doktrin) yang sangat penting dalam Alkitab.

2. Karena zaman 2000 tahun yang terakhir ini secara khusus diperuntukkan bagi Roh Kudus. Kisah 2:4Yoh 14:16.

3. Karena kita hidup di akhir zaman, didalam suatu masa pencurahan Roh Kudus secara istimewa seperti yang telah dijanjikan. Yak.5:7-8.

Rev.William West Patterson (1908-1984)

Pada tahun 1920, Pdt. Patterson mendaftar di Sekolah Alkitab Simpson (Sekolah Misionaris) di Phinney Ridge. Ditahun yang bersamaan juga, di Sekolah Alkitab Simpson ini terdaftar kurang lebih seratus orang murid yang ingin menjadi misionaris. Disekolah Alkitab tersebut, Patterson mulai mengenal Firman Tuhan yang akan membawa ia ke suatu pelayanan. Disekolah itu juga, Patterson bertemu dengan Roy Sutherd

Permandian Air dan Permandian Roh Soetji

Rev W.H. Offiler, Bethel Temple Seattle

PENGADJARAN dari permandian-permandian, baik dengan air, maoepoen dengan Roh Soetji adalah satoe pokok jang amat dalam perhoeboengannja boeat tiap-tiap orang jang tjari pada Allah dengan soenggoeh-soenggoeh. Terhadap pada pengalaman setjara Kristen, dan pemboekaan dari maksoed Allah didalam tiap hati dari tiap-tiap orang, haroeslah kita selaloe moelai, dimana Dia moelai, dan djangan kita berhenti, sebeloem Dia bilang, jang itoe soedah tjoekoep. Kalaoe orang maoe dengar pada theorie jang modern (tjara baroe), ataoe tjoba maoe toeroet pada djalan-djalan pengadjaran-pengadjaran jang banjak geredja sekarang kasih tentang kebenaran Allah, maka hatinja tidak akan dipoeaskan, oleh sebab theori itoe ada tidak terhitoeng lagi banjaknja. Akan tetapi, barang siapa maoe toeroet pada pengadjaran-pengadjaran jang sederhana dari perkataan Allah jang penoeh dengan berkat itoe, tidak berapa lama, dia akan mengalami dengan girang satoe perkara jang pasti, dan dia akan toeroet mempoenjai bahagian dalam pengalaman-pengalaman jang benar dengan Toehan Jesoes Kristoes.

William Henry Offiler (1857-1957)

Laporan ini dikumpulkan dari catatan yang diberikan oleh W.W.Patterson, Pastor yang melanjutkan tugas Pastor Offiler, dalam wawancaranya dengan Jerry Wilkinson pada 2 Juni 1981, di rumahnya di Mirror Lake, Washington dan dari buku ” The Emergence And Development Of A New Breed Of Classical Pentecostal oleh Paul R. Berube, beberapa edisi dari Pentecostal Power, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Let Light Shine Out,The Story Of The Assemblies Of God in the Pacific Northwest oleh Ward M. Tanneberg, kumpulan koleksi dari Dick Benjamin, dan  sumber lainnya oleh Jim Richardson.


Pdt.A.H.Mandey, Jakarta

Keluaran 13:13Sore ini kita akan membahas pokok yang sempat menarik perhatian bagi banyak anggota jemaat Ketapang, sehubungan dengan apa yang pernah dikemukakan oleh seorang hamba Tuhan keturunan Inggris yang datang dari Afrika, Rev. Michael Howard. Ia lahir dan dibesarkan di Afrika, dan ia bekerja di Sudan; satu daerah yang sangat keras dalam hal beragama dan menjalankan kepercayaan.  Ada hal yang menarik tentang apa yang dikatakan oleh hamba Tuhan ini ditengah-tengah khotbahnya 14 September 2003  yang lalu, yaitu tentang memakai kata “ALLAH”.  


Rev.C.J McKnight

JESUS WAS DELIVERED TO BE CRUCIFIED. The cross was an inevitable event in the life of Jesus. He had committed Himself to the predetermined will and counsel of the Godhead. Purposely and with deliberate planning Jesus came to this world, to be nailed to the tree. Only in eternity will we understand the enormity of this covenant made in eternity by the foreknowledge of God, for us. Acts 2:23


Rev.C.J McKnight

Seattle, February 15, 2005.

1. THE MOST AMAZING EVENT OF THE AGES. Christianity rejoices in the redemption which was purchased for us by the Lord Jesus. As always, it is the reason for the acquisition. The consummation of an act that is the crowing glory of the whole affair. In the case of Christ, it is His marriage and His Bride which is the glorious divine purpose of the whole of salvation. Spelled out for us and positively identified is the fact that in the giving of Himself as a sacrifice he was to obtain a church, a bride, a very special part of His eternal plan. Acts 20:28 There are certain criteria which are to be found in the gathering together of His bride. Paul notes that they are those who have been called to this high and holy position in Christ. Also that they are a sanctified group of saints. 1 Cor. 1:2 It must be remembered that the Lord has established several requisites in order for one to even find a place in Heaven and eternity with Him. One of those important imperatives is that of holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. That makes holiness to be of the utmost importance. Heb. 12:14


Rev.C.J McKnight

Seattle, October 8, 2005. (1)

JESUS PRAYED TO HIS FATHER. This is the real prayer of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Jesus knew that the reason for His visitation to earth was quickly coming upon Him. He was about to become, factually, the Lamb of God. He said, “Father the hour is come.” John 17:1 All the Godlike emotions and the human emotions were brought into play in His life. He had been from everlasting. Now, He humbled Himself to be come a man. As a man He was about to suffer further humiliation by being crucified on the tree. An ignominious death reserved for hopeless criminals. He went to the very bottom, the depths of sin and despair that He might be able to rescue and redeem the guiltiest, the filthiest of sinners. He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9.


Rev.C.J McKnight

BETRAYED BY JUDAS. The name Judas or Judah means celebrate. Little did his parents know, when they named him, how celebrated he would become, as a traitor in the fullest degree. At a most sacred feast, the Passover, the act of betrayal, was set in motion. Jn. 13:1 Jesus, in a manifestation of humility, love and cleansing {not according to custom, but a spiritual act}, washed the feet of His disciples, even Judas. He then declared them clean. Judas, however was not cleansed. Jn. 13:10 Study this, there is a place for foot-washing in the body of Christ. Jesus set the example which was to be followed. Jn. 13:14-17 The sop, the bread, in the hands of the BREAD OF LIFE, handed to Judas became the moment of Satan entering into the life of the one who was to betray Jesus.  Jn. 13:26-27