GLORYFY THY SON. Jesus was looking beyond the gruesome hours that were before Him. He saw the glory that was to be His for having perfectly fulfilled the will of His Father. He sought, and rightfully so, the praise and plaudits of the Father. He had revealed and glorified the Father in every act of kindness and love which He had committed among men. His accomplishments were complete. His work was ended, even though He was not yet crucified, He considered it a finished act. John 17:4 He was now seeking a return of the glory which had been His prior to His descent to this earth. He sought to be “clothed” with the Father. To be enveloped, to be surrounded and live, shrouded in the Spirit of the Father. The high and exalted position which had been His for the eternity past. John 17:5.

POWER OVER ALL FLESH. The ability to conqueror the weaknesses and lusts for the flesh. There is no work of carnality but what He is able to overcome and conqueror its force and ability to destroy man. The flesh, sin brings man into abject slavery to its strong desires. Man, in and of himself cannot overcome the force and power of the strong desires of the flesh. John 17:2 The love of Christ, His power and glory, made manifest in our lives enables us to live a life free from the binding elements of the flesh. We are more than conquerors. Rom. 8:37 There is great victory over every power of sin and iniquity to be found in the Lord Jesus. He has paid the supreme price for our deliverance. We are free in Christ.   

Seattle, October 8, 2005. (1)

THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL. John 17:3 The life which Christ presented to the world is that which is everlasting. Everything about it is far greater than the very best in this life, so much so, that in all reality there is no comparison. All that is involved exceeds the imagination of the most imaginative. Far too many make the Millennium and New Heavens and the New earth to be almost identical to this present world. However, the Lord has said that He will “make all things new.” Rev. 21:5 Our expectation should not be just a continuation of what we have now. It will be His Kingdom and that will be a Kingdom like none other that has ever existed. Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, neither has man’s heart conceived those things which shall be. 1 Cor. 2:9 But Paul’s dissertation did not stop there. He continued on to say that by the revelation of the Spirit we get a glimpse of that bright and glorious future. He said that, “God has revealed them unto us by His Spirit.” 1 Cor. 2:10 We are not left to guess concerning the future life, that eternal life, that is found in the Lord Jesus but its environment is found in the Word of the Lord. 

THE ONLY TRUE GOD. John 17:3 The multiplicity of objects, and spirits that are worshipped by man is staggering. Out of that vast array of gods, there is but one TRUE GOD, and that is He who sent His Son into the world to redeem the world unto Himself. The Son has come that all men might know the living Lord of heaven and earth. He has brought to the world an understanding and knowledge whereby we may know the true God. This is not a casual relationship, but is deep and profound for it is through the Lord Jesus that we are able to know the Lord. As the Son is in the Father, and the Father is in the Son, we being in Christ are granted the same spiritual blessing and knowledge. 1 John 5:20.

JESUS CHRIST, SENT OF HIS FATHER. John 17:3 He came into the world explicitly to do the will of the Father. Known precisely what the will of the Father involved, Jesus, as the Logos completely committed Himself to fulfill the Law of sacrifice. He became the only acceptable offering for sin. All others were but types of that true sacrifice which was made at Calvary. Heb. 10:7 The disdain of the Lord for animal sacrifices is very evident in the scriptures. See Heb. 10:10 The Old Testament Law of the Tabernacle and Temple sacrifice is repulsive to the Lord. Men may restore the Old Testament order but it cannot be accepted of the Lord. Jesus took away the first, the Law and established the second, grace. Heb. 10:9.:END:

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