THEY ARRESTED JESUS. Judas led a multitude, mob or the word can even mean a riot, to take the Lord Jesus. They were armed with swords, staves or clubs. Living in a day when mass hysteria of this type is world wide it is not difficult to feel the riotous spirit of this crowd. The lamps and torches would have added to the frenzy and madness of the crowd. Pathetically, this whole situation was instigated by the religious leaders of that day. Mk. 13:43 Jesus stood before them and questioned them concerning the person whom they sought. When they said Jesus of Nazareth, He said; I AM HE. He stood there as the great I AM. No wonder they fell backward and to the ground. His power and authority over them was in his manner made manifest. Jn. 18:4-6 The greeting of Judas was extremely hypocritical under the circumstances. HAIL, implying, good health to you and long life. Be happy or well-off. A common greeting but the situation being what it was, the salutation was grossly wrong. He also greeted Him as master or Rabbi, a teacher. Then, the kiss of infamy, the kiss of a quisling. They then bound Him and took him prisoner. Jn. 18:4-6,12

HIS FIRST EXAMINATION WAS BY ANNAS, A HIGH PRIEST.  Jn. 18:13 He was, perhaps an ex-high priest but was also the father-in-law of the ruling high priest, Caiaphas. It is this Caiaphas who spoke a prophetic word pronouncing that one must die for the people. v.14 Jn. 11:49-51 In His mercy, the Lord will always give evidence of His purposes to His people. Jn. 11:49-51 It is at this time that one of the officers struck Him with the palm of his hand. Jn. 18:22 His trial and sufferings of that long night are amply recorded in prophetic utterance through out the WORD. This event is found in Job 16:10, in scorn and disdain they would smite Him in His face with the palm of the hand. The experiences of Job were to coincide with the things that Jesus would face. A reading of the Old Testament prophecies and the life of the Lord Jesus is very convincing that He was and is indeed the Messiah. The Lord has established a strong witness and testimony that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ of God.

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