Seattle, September 10, 2005 (4)

THE MAN OF COMPASSION. Of one thing we may be certain, Jesus is the “man of compassion.” His empathy involved not only the spiritual but the needs of the natural man as well. His feeding of the multitudes after having ministered healing to them are a clue to his considerable love and feeling for humanity. He meets the needs of the entire man. He was so attractive to the people of that day that they followed Him into the wilderness for three days without food. Jesus said they were fasting. That is impressive. He strongly declared that He would not “send them away fasting.” Mt. 15:32 The emphases of the Spiritual was so strong and prevalent that they did not feel the need of that which was natural. The atmosphere of the wilderness was supernatural. They had stepped into an environment of the heavenly. It will happen again in the end of the age. In the midst of the wilderness experience, in drought, in a time of famine, He will provide for His elect. Can God? Ps. 78:19 Yes, He is able. He will provide for His Bride. Isa. 32:15.

WITH LITTLE HE DOES MUCH. Seven loaves and a few little fish. In His hands it fed a multitude. There is no limit to His capabilities. He is the creator and all things grow and increase when He blesses that which is His hands. The number seven reminds us of the book of Revelation and the sevens there which pertain to the end of the age. As the prophecies of the book of Revelation are fulfilled it will become more and more necessary for His people to rely totally on Him for their sustenance. The remnant filled seven baskets. We find a double seven here. Seven loaves were increased to such a mighty degree that the multitude was fed and there was a surplus. Mt. 15: 37 The double portion, speaking of the last day revival, is not only twice as much but a complete portion. It was the good pleasure of God the Father that in His Son, the Lord Jesus, that God is would dwell, in fullness. He is the physical being of the Godhead. Now, His invitation and good intentions toward His church is that the same Spirit, with the same measure be made known in the church, His Bride. Col. 2:9-10 ” You have been given fullness in Christ.” NIV. As He created Adam and Eve in His own likeness, so in the end of the age He will find an Eve who is equal to Himself in every way. His Bride will not be an emaciated, puny, woman who is without the power of the Spirit. She will be as glorious and beautiful as Christ. The seven gifts, the seven fruit and the seven graces of the Spirit will be in her, in their completeness and perfection.

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