Seattle, August 27, 2005 (3)

JESUS IN THE DESERT. Jesus the man of great and perfect compassion, Who when He saw the great number of people who had followed Him was stirred in His innermost being with a deep rooted feeling of sympathy for them. The love and mercy that He constantly felt toward people would motivate Him toward meeting their needs. He healed their sick. Mt. 14:14 There were no hidden agendas in Him. He was not politically minded. He was not moved by any ulterior objective. There has never been a man like Him, who was “touched with the feeling of our infirmities,” Heb. 4:15 He has never changed. He is still the same Jesus. He very deeply cares for you. Healing is the children’s bread. 

SEND THEM AWAY. The practical minded disciples requested of Jesus that He send them away that they might find food for themselves. The response of Jesus must have been a real shock to them, “give ye them to eat.” Mt. 14:15-16 Place yourself in their position. It had to have been startling to them. They had but five loaves and two fish. Mt. 14:17 Seven items of food for such a number of people was insignificant. But seven is the number of perfection. They were about to witness the creative spirit that was in the Christ of God. Bread is typical of the “bread of life.” How aptly he was about to demonstrate to them just exactly who He was. Five is the number of atonement. All things must be accomplished through the perfect atonement of the Christ. Two is the number of the Lord Jesus. It is also a number that relates to Christ and His Bride. Two shall become one. “He blessed and brake.” It now became the responsibility of the disciples to distribute portions to each and every hungry soul. Pastors, feed your people the WORD. The sheep are bleating, they are starving for lack of spiritual food. Take time to pray and study the WORD. Jesus said; “Feed My sheep.” Not fleece them.

THEY WERE SATISFIED. They ate of “miracle” bread. No wonder they were satisfied. The remnants of his glorious feast in the desert was twelve baskets full. Mt. 14:20 Twelve is the number of perfect spiritual government. His government! Five thousand men, plus women and children were fed at this sitting. Mt. 14:21 It reminds one of the feeding of the children of Israel during their forty years wandering in the wilderness. A desert location means nothing to the Lord. As a matter of fact, the desert experience is vital to spiritual growth. Look for blessings and manna from heaven in your desert.

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