P S A L M 1 9

Thursday, February 26, 2004 (4)HE MADE THE STARS ALSO. Gen. 1:16 What an amazing universe surrounds us. Innumerable stars spread around over a vast expanse, the number of stars, or the space utilized is beyond the knowledge of men. We live in a galaxy with billions of stars and in a universe with billions of galaxies, each containing billions of stars. Our galaxy may contain up to one hundred billion stars. Our Lord is a God of infinite variety. No two of these stars are identical. The Lord is not boring, He does not need to repeat Himself in the work of creation. No two people have the same finger prints, the same eye print, the same voice print, the same DNA. Even identical twins are not identical. There is no end to the differences that He
builds in to His creation. The Lord does what man cannot do, He has counted and knows the number of the stars. Ps. 147:4 Further more, He has given them all names. He named them, not men. Adam named the animals but the Lord named the stars. The Lord alone knows the depth or the height of the universe. Job 22:12 Inasmuch as the Lord is the originator and the giver of their names their names should be of interest to us. Isa. 40:26 

COUNT THEM IF YOU CAN. The Lord used the stars as a measurement for the number of the descendants of Abraham. Abraham was challenged to number the stars that he might have knowledge of the number of his progeny. With the clear atmosphere of that day and with the fact that the Lord wanted him to see and understand the immense number of his
descendants, it could well have been that the Lord gave Abraham the ability to see as the Lord Himself was able to view the heavens. Gen. 15:5 If by any chance Abraham missed the intent and purpose of the Lord, the Lord added yet other measurements. These items add to and would help verify the thought that Abraham must have seen a full complement of the starry heavens. The dust of the earth is surely one that we can readily visualize, it surrounds us, it overwhelms us, it enters our homes and dirties our cars. It is everywhere and certainly not countable. Gen. 13:16 Added to that is the sand by the sea shore. So once again we are faced with a commodity of which there is no way that we could arrive at a full and complete number of the grains of sand spread around the world. Gen. 22:17 The three measurements used show us that the Lord embraced the dust, the carnal seed. The sand, the religious seed. The stars, the heavenly or spiritual seed and acknowledged them all as the seed of Abraham, which rightfully they are, but not all will receive eternal life. Including the whole of the three segments of Abraham’s seed and counting their number would leave us far short of the fulfillment of the promise. We have not seen such vast numbers as the stars, dust and sand in his descendants to date. We may be well assured that when the Lord makes a promise He will see to it that it is accomplished. The descendants of Abraham, through the Spiritual seed the Lord Jesus will be used to finish the divine purpose of the Lord.

Friday, February 27, 2004 (5)THE HEAVENS, THE TABERNACLE OF THE SUN. Scientifically we know that the sun is not the center of the universe and that it is but a small part of the whole. To us it is the faithful source of life. The ability to live on the earth is totally dependent on the sun. It speaks to us of the faithfulness of the Lord. From the Tabernacle of the skies there is a consistent message to be heard and that is the message of salvation. As we have already seen there will also be a time when the warning of the Lord will be heard from the Tabernacle of the skies. Ps. 19:4 The Lord considers the message of the stars to be an every day and every night declaration. Announcing that there is no language on the face of the earth where their words are not heard and that in great abundance. The word utterance means to flow in abundance, to gush forth. It is obvious, from the Lords stand point that His creation has a strong message for mankind. Ps. 19:2-4 

THE COMMUNICATION OF THE STARS IS OF THE LORD. A sound which has gone into all the earth and unto the end of the world. There had to have been a time when the heavens were used to proclaim the will and design of the Lord. I visualize a father sitting with his son under the starry heavens using the stars as a means of explaining to him the plan of the Lord in salvation. The entire message is there but has been corrupted by those who would mislead and exploit anything that originates from the Lord. 

THE HEAVENS ARE DIVIDED INTO TWELVE HOUSES. The heavens above are divided into twelve different sections. The sun each month is in a different house or area of the sky. These are the degrees or steps through the sun will pass in the period of a years time, and will correspond with the twelve months of the year. The names ascribed to these houses are all of spiritual significance and are in agreement with the Word. We are not dealing with astrology but spiritual astronomy and understanding of the heavens that originated with the Lord. We will only relate to that which agrees with the Scriptures and that is significant. It is our determination to seek out that manner, and the sound of the voice of the Lord where He uses the heavens and the created light giving bodies for communication with this world. Remember, it was the Lord Himself who named and numbered them. He would do so for His own means and intent. That the names were know to His people is evidenced by the witness and testimony of Job, when he mentioned Arcturus, Orrin and Pleads and the
constellations of the south. Job 9:9 Amos 5:8 They were also knowledgeable of the signs given to the different constellations, such as the Bear and its cubs. Job 38:31-32 The symbology of the stars, in a negative sense may be noted in the reference to the wandering stars of Jude thirteen. In a positive sense they are found in the book of Revelation where they are representative of the leadership of the church. Rev. 1:20, 2:1 and elsewhere. The Lord does nothing without a divine expectation and a goal to be accomplished.  

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