P S A L M 1 9

Tuesday, February 24, 2004 (2) THE SKIES PROCLAIM HIS HANDIWORK. The immensity of the creation of the Lord in the universe that surrounds us is yet to be determined. Men are still trying to find the extremity, the end or the edge of the macros. The Lord created and placed the celestial bodies in place and determined their circuit in the heavens. They are stated to be the work of His fingers. He ordained them, He set them up and determined their orbit. They exist for His very own purposes. Ps. 8:3 From the beginning the sun and the moon were established that they might regulate the seasons of the earth. They were also to be as signs marking not only the time of the year but the time of the end of the age. They will bear extensive witness to the approach of the coming of the Lord Jesus a second time. Gen. 1:14 

THERE SHALL BE SIGNS. To begin with, consider that what we are about to find in the Word of the Lord are signs which will precede the Second Coming of the Christ of God. Jesus will not return until these events have been accomplished. AFTER, these events will be seen the sign of the coming of the Son of man, in a cloud and with great power and glory. Luke 21:27 To assure that these things must first take place Jesus said, when these things BEGIN to happen, then look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh. The signs must come first. The redeemed are still on the earth when these signs are given for they will become excited and realize that the time has come. Luke 21:28 Manifold signs of a great variety, in the heavens and upon the earth. Signs in the sun, moon and stars could be almost any kind of a variance from the normal, and there will be many. A universal quake, a shaking of the established powers of the heavens is scheduled. How can one even imagine the consternation, the great fear that will accompany such an awe inspiring event in the heavens. Luke 21:26 The Lord is a Lord of mercy and pardon. He uses a principle of a visitation of mercy and grace, an opportunity to repent and definite warnings before judgment. Rev. 2:21 The effect of all this, on the inhabitants of this earth is horrific. There will be distress, anxiety, perplexity among the nations, a condition which we are experiencing in a small measure today, be assured it will increase. The seas with terrific and unusual storms. Inasmuch as the seas typify the peoples of the earth we are not committing an injustice if we add that the peoples of the earth are to be in an uproar, riots, insurrection and mobs of every sort and kind. The effect of all this will be enormous upon the peoples of the earth. Because of the intense fear generated by these events their hearts will simply give out on them. These are strong signs that will have a great impact on the daily lives of the inhabitants of this world. Life will never be the same once they commence in the completeness of the sign and warning. Amazing, like in Egypt, in spite of the signs and their impact, not all will come to the Lord in repentance. What must be seriously considered here is the fact that these events preclude the Second Coming of the Christ of God.

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