2:1516 Privileges were granted her that must have astounded her. There was no place in the field that was not open to her. No restrictions as to where she would glean. She was not to be rebuked or scolded if she went amongst the standing sheaves. They were even instructed to deliberately drop handfuls of stalks of grain for her to pick up. The generosity of Boaz was extended to her. The Lord has been and is gracious in blessing his people with all blessings, naturally and spiritually, He daily loads us with benefits.

Ruth 2:17 The Lord, the God of all sufficiency. She spent the whole day gleaning in a field where she was accepted and blest. Her harvest, after threshing amounted to an ephah of barley. Perhaps equal to fifty-five pounds. Obviously a great reward for her days work. v.18 Naomi was amazed at the amount that was gleaned that day. She knew that it was very unusual. Ruth also gave Naomi the remnant of the lunch that she had with Boaz.

2:19 Where hast thou gleaned today? Even before receiving an answer Naomi recognized that someone had taken special notice of Ruth. She said she had worked together with Boaz. The Lord is mindful of His people. He knows our needs and has promised to supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus. Too often we want overflow rather than being satisfied with our daily bread.

2:20 Boaz, one of the near kinsman. One who has the right and responsibility of redemption or the continuation of the line of Elimelech by marrying Ruth. This brings us to the great theme of the Book of Ruth. Redemption and Marriage. Boaz and Ruth are types of Christ and His Bride. The law of this kinsman relationship and the responsibility in found in the book of Deuteronomy 25:5-10. May the Lord bless him for his kindness to the living and the dead. Her heart is grateful because of the goodness of Boaz. Certainly her attitude has improved.

2:21-23The special message of Boaz. Continue to stay by my young men until my harvest is finished. He wanted to watch after her. To protect her and perhaps keep her unto himself. Wise Naomi could foresee what the end result would be and so encouraged her to stay in the fields of Baoz. There is care and protection as well as an abundant supply when we stay in the field of the Lord. She gleaned, perhaps harvested in the fields of Boaz from barley to wheat harvest. From Passover to Pentecost. Important and significant harvests in Israel.

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