A lengthy and exceedingly strong prophecy is delivered by Ezekiel against Jerusalem. A thought to consider. If the positive prophecies of the old testament concerning Jerusalem and Israel are to be applied to the modern day nation. How about the negative, such as this? Can we just declare them to be history. I think not. Ezekiel delivered a long dissertation concerning their idolatry which to the Lord was nothing more than spiritual adultery. Eze. 16:15-36 They turned the blessings of the Lord into all manner of wickedness and made themselves idols of the wealth which the Lord had given them. The terminology used by Ezekiel covered about every word found in the dictionary pertaining to sexual promiscuity. She is called an unsatiable harlot, committing fornications. Accused of acts of whoredom. They were lewd. Weak of heart. An imperious whorish woman, refusing payment for her vile deeds. She purchased her lovers, with gifts.
Because of the depths of their wickedness their judgment would reach catastrophic measures. The fury of the Lord would be displayed through the armies, composed of their ex-lovers, which would come up against them and totally destroy the people and their possessions. Eze. 16:37-40 He would grant them a change of heart and in this manner the anger of the Lord against them was to be appeased. Eze. 16:41-42
Reference was previously made to a great last day religious phenomenon, the assemblage of the religions of the world into one church body. Seven a divine complete number depicting the fullness of a matter. All the beliefs of the world concerning anything that is called god will be gathered into one. Isaiah prophesied of this condition by saying that seven women would take hold of one man, saying, (their doctrinal statement) We will eat our own bread or maintain our own teachings and beliefs. No need to line up to the Word of God to be in this group. We will wear our own apparel, maintain our religious form of worship. Only permit us to use your name. Giving them a false sense of security and authority, or in order for any embarrassment to be avoided because they are religious. They will be looking for acceptance and protection. Isa. 4:1 Religious unity and conformity to political powers of the false church are already evident in todayís world. Along with that, there will be a unity a coming together of the true body of Christ which will be glorious and marvelous. The one faith, one doctrine envisioned the by Apostle Paul will come to pass and the real Bride of Christ will be seen in all of her splendor and glory in these last days. He is the God of that which seems impossible. With Him all things are possible. Eph. 4:13.