The Lord stated His serious and exceedingly great retaliation against the false prophets who had seen and declared false prophecies. Eze. 13:8. Just to have had Him withstanding a person, would be serious enough but their punishment is foretold by the Lord. His hand was to be on them but not in blessing or for good. They were to be excluded from the household of faith. Their works would not be included in the historical writings of the children of Israel. They were to be excommunicated from the land of promise. Eze. 13:9 The severity of their wrong doings was the basis of their judgment. These are matters to be genuinely considered when exercising the office of the prophet and prophesying. There is a balance established by the Apostle Paul. Let others, who are used of the Lord in this fashion, weigh and consider the contents of the prophecy. 1 Cor. 14:29 All true prophets would welcome such confirmation.

The same spirit of seduction as was evidenced in that day is also a problem for the church in the end of the age, as it was even in apostolic times. Eze. 13:10 The message of the false prophet day was one sided, always speaking of peace and tranquility. Condoning the wrong actions of the people by speaking smooth and sweet words to them, without any correction being offered when it was so desperately needed. Consider the warning coming to us from the Word of the Lord. One of the signs indicating the last days was this very spirit of spiritual seduction. People being led astray from the truth by false prophets. Men who are themselves filled with seducing spirits and come introducing and teaching doctrines of devils. 1 Tim. 4:1

ìAnd one built a wall.î A measurement which may be used in determining the purposes of the prophet is the construction of a wall. An attempt to separate and isolate those who fall under their seducing powers from all other members of the body of Christ. Their wall was constructed without the proper mixture of mortar, actually, it was merely white washed. Covered with a substance, called untempered mortar which translates to slime. Its connotation figuratively, meaning, foolishness, lightness, frivolous acts. This aptly gives a good measure where by we may discern between that which is right and the false. The Lord sent a message of pure prophetic utterance proclaiming the destruction of the wall. A matter which was to be accomplished by a great and mighty rain storm. Accompanied by great hailstones and a stormy wind. Eze. 13:11 The answer of the Lord to the problem in our day is a mighty last day revival. An outpouring of the Spirit of the Lord which will blast all that is false from among the children of the Lord. The Lord has promised a great move of the Spirit. Acts 2:17.

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