We come now to an ancient prophecy given by Ezekiel to the prophets of that day which is very applicable to the church world of today. Just because a would be prophet may declare their utterance to be the word of the Lord does not make it to be the word of the Lord. That word which came to Ezekiel was a strong word of rebuke against these prophets which prophesy out of their own imagination. Eze. 13:2 (NIV) They are termed to be foolish prophets who in that day, as well as today, prophesied foolishness. The Lord declared them to be individuals without a vision. Their prophecies originate from their own spirit. The human spirit which is in direct conflict with the Spirit of the Lord.
Prophecy in the church may be both foretelling and forth telling. An anointed witness, testimony or preaching of the Word may be classified as forth telling. The proclamation of the Gospel of Christ, the exaltation of the Lord Jesus. It is heard in the anointed declaration of that which has be come very personal to the person speaking. Foretelling is a very delicate operation of the Spirit. It is a gift ministry given to the church for edification and knowledge. 1 Cor. 12:10 It is not given to aggrandize the individual but, in all reality, makes them to be a servant to the church. The prophet is called upon to minister to and direct the body of believers, therefore must minister in all sincerity and truth. Their spiritual life must be of the very highest standard. The prophets of old were known as being men of holiness. 2 Peter 1:21
A prophetic utterance must agree with that which the Apostle Peter called, ìa more sure word of prophecy,î or the Word of the Lord, the scriptures. 2 Peter 1:19 The Spirit will never speak contrarily to the Word. Isa. 8:20 The prophecy must be able to undergo the deepest scrutiny. Prophets such as those Ezekiel addressed are a sign of the end of the age. Jesus specifically gave a warning that many false prophets would come and deceive many.Mt. 24:11, 24 The Apostle John urged the church to measure, evaluate the spirit of the prophet for there were in that day as also in ours, many false prophets. 1 John 4:1 The great personal responsibility and the seriousness of this office is seen in instructions given in the Word concerning the fulfillment of the prophecy. If what was foretold does not come to pass that person is then labeled a false prophet and the sentence of death was passed upon them. Deut. 18:20-22. Thus we understand the great responsibility which a person assumes when they would exercise the gift in the church. We need and greatly desire to experience the purity, the real manifestation of this calling in the church, that the body may be edified.