Ezekiel was motivated by the Spirit to prophecy against the city and the inhabitants. A powerful and fearsome prophetic utterance concerning the punishment of the Lord against Israel for all of their abominations. In the midst of Ezekielís utterances, Pelatiah died. Perhaps from fear and the sense of responsibility that he would have had for the spiritual condition of Israel. Eze. 11:5-13 Nebuchadnezzar had take captive all the people who would benefit him and left the very poorest in the land to farm it. Now, they are urging those in captivity to continue to walk in their ungodly ways for the land was now their possession and they wanted to keep it that way.
Eze. 11:15 They rejoiced in the difficulties of others. Their spirit of selfishness was evident, for a return of the captives would displace them and they would lose the land given them by Nebuchadnezzar.
Like many of the Old testament prophets Ezekiel was bold to declare the Word of the Lord without fear or favor. Their prophetic utterances were directed at guiding Israel in the ways of the Lord in a positive manner. They were also corrective in nature. Even in captivity, caused by their disobedience, the Lord would be a sanctuary to those who turned to Him. This prophecy of Ezekiel was fulfilled in their release to return to the land and the rebuilding of the Temple which was led by Ezra and Nehemiah. It was motivated by their desire to worship the Lord in a manner which would be according to His will.
Like all true revivals, there is first of all a return to righteousness. Note that they were to remove all the things which were detestable and an abomination to the Lord. It was an act of returning to holiness which they themselves were to perform. Then, the Lord would begin to manifest His work among them by causing them to be united as one, with a new spirit and spiritual attitude. The old heart, the old nature would be removed from them and in its place a new heart which would be more than willing to serve the Lord fully. These are the simple requirements which bring revival to any generation, then and even today. With a changed heart and spiritual attitude, they would be willing to walk in the ways of the Lord and be obedient to His Word. What worked for them will work for all who follow this God given pattern. Eze. 11:17-20 As always, there would be opposition, for there are those who absolutely refuse to change their ways. To them, the message was that they would be recompensed according to their insistence of continuing in their old ways. They, by their actions, would determine the measure of their punishment. Eze. 11:21.