Ezekiel is once again lifted up and transported by the power of the Spirit where he saw twenty five men who have gathered in the eastern gate of the city. Exe. 11:1 Men of wisdom and understanding usually gathered at the gates of their cities where they passed judgment on matters brought to them, as in the case of Boaz. Ruth 4:10-11 Sitting in the gate of the house of the Lord would indicate that these men were religious leaders in Israel. They are given the title of a prince, a priest is called prince as well as those who were captains in Israel. These men were up to no good, for they were men of an evil heart who plotted wickedness and gave permission and counsel to the people to perform works of unrighteousness. There is a modern day parallel to be found here for it is certain, even though they were in the house of the Lord, the counsel they were dispensing was contrary to the Word of the Lord.
Of the twenty five, the names of only two are mentioned. They were obviously the leaders of the group. Very likely high priests. The meaning of their names and the names of their fathers is interesting. These names given at birth, for the most part they contained an element of the prophetic in them. Indicating the office, a circumstance in the life of the person or even indicating a world shaking event which would take place in their life time. Jaazaniah, meaning ìheard of Jah.î A man, who as a spiritual leader was totally out of place among a gathering of this sort. He was the son of Azzur, ìhelpful.î He was a man with a good calling who was not only out of step with the Lord but is found opposing His will. Then we have, Pelatiah, ìJah has delivered.î They had lost their freedom and were in captivity to Babylon and according to the bad counsel, they had no vision of being set free. He was the son of Benaiah, ìJah has built.î The purpose of the Lord was to return them to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple and the city but they were men without vision. They saw only their current situation and were ready to submit to it and become a part of Babylon. Let us build houses, letís settle down and submit to the life and worship of the gods of Babylon. They were willing to be lose their identity as long as they could find rest from their unhappy existence. Most unfortunately it does not work out for good when such an attitude is practiced. By the compromise of religious leaders today it is evident that spiritual Babylon is in the process of being built. Church organizations are being disrupted and divided by those who take a modern view and consider the Word of the Lord to be too strict. The call of the Spirit and the Word is still to come out from among them and donít even touch that which is unclean. Let the prophecies which we hear be corrective and not condoning. 2 Cor. 6:17.