There is a difference between one of the faces of the first vision of the living creature and the second vision. Instead of the face of the ox (Eze. 1:10) there is now a face of a cherub. This simple is to show another phase of the vast work and purpose of the living creatures. The ox is an animal of burden being used to transport goods of different kinds. It was likewise used to plow the fields and tread out the grains. Certainly a foreshadowing of the labors of the Lord Jesus in providing a way of salvation for mankind. The scripture comes to me relating to the beating of His back, the laying on of what had to be a full complement of forty stripes. The plowmen plowed upon my back, they made long furrows. Ps. 129:3 As in so many signs and symbols in the Word we find the Lord Jesus with a dual position. He is both the ox and the one plowed. Just as He is the great High Priest conducting the offering and the Lamb, which is being offered. Christ is all in all.

The perfect, supreme unity of all things which are spiritual is demonstrated in their uniformity of movement. Also it must be considered that even though Ezekiel gives a full report on their diverse appearances and very obvious differences as well as their similarities, ultimately he saw the whole, as one with complete unity and called them the ìliving creatures.î Eze. 10:15 The ministry of these represented by the four faces was one of demonstrating the life of the Lord while here on earth. Their movements were effortless and without the turning of the wheels. It is worthy to consider that ìthe spirit of the living creature was in them.î Eze. 10:17 They did not fly but by the simple act of lifting up their wings they were transported, effortlessly, to their objective.

In his vision, when the living creatures moved, the glory of the Lord departed from the house of the Lord and rested upon them. Eze. 10:18 Thus we come to the reason for the Lord dealing with Ezekiel in such a spectacular manner. The glory departed. To lose the glory of the Lord is to lose everything that is worth while. What remains is merely a skeleton of what had been. It is a picture of many churches in Christianity today from which the former glory has departed and they are practicing vain spiritual exercise which are meaningless. The presence of the glory of the Lord is vital to spiritual life. It must be maintained at any cost for it is the life flow of any and all who would follow the Lord. They came to the eastern gate of the city of the Lord. This direction of the compass is pinpointing the coming of our Lord and actions which will precede it. He is coming from the east and will travel toward the west. Mt. 24:27.

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