The woman of Revelation twelve is the church of the future. The scriptures note the period of time that she will be under the very special Divine protection of the Lord. That time is measured twice, in days (one thousand two hundred sixty) and years (a time, or year, times, two years and half a time or six months). These two measurements cover the same period of time. It is known as the great tribulation. Mt. 24:21 It is the last half of the seventieth week of Danielís seventy week prophecy. The first half was confirmed in the visitation of Christ. He is the creator of the covenant as well as the very covenant itself. Dan. 9:27 In the midst of the week, by the sacrifice of Himself, he caused all other sacrifices to cease forever. The Lord will never again demand nor accept any other sacrifice. The Lamb of God suffered, once for all. Heb. 10:10.
There are some key elements which take place in the experiences of this woman. She is persecuted. Rev. 12:13 Most definitely it would be but for a short period of time but it will happen. Jesus related betrayal to be an element of the events which His very own will experience in the end of the age. Mark 13:12-14 As we see the constant erosion of the family unit in these last days it becomes self evident as to how such things can happen. Loyalty to anything but self is quickly becoming the order of the day.
The woman will flee into a place prepared by the Lord. Rev. 12:6 Any preparation made by the Lord has to be beautiful and glorious. If Israel of old was destined to enter into a promised land flowing with milk and honey, or great abundance, how much more will He abundantly supply all the needs of His Bride. That place is noted as being the wilderness. Rev. 12:6, 14 He will make the wilderness to be like a fruitful field. Isa. 32:15 The Lord has promised that which sounds so foreboding will be a virtual garden of Eden. Isa. 51:3 A place of comfort, rejoicing and great happiness and thanksgiving. In the meanwhile, all around them, the world will be in great disarray and tribulation with the judgments of the Lord being poured out on the ungodly world. During this period of time the Lord will feed and nourish her. There will be no lack of the blessings of the Lord in her midst.
There is no way in this modern world with all of its technology that such a large gathering of people could be hidden. The antichrist and the kings of the earth will know where this place of the Lord is, but they will not be able to reach them. The Zion of the Lord, those who love and obey Him, will be protected by the blazing glory of the Lord. Isa. 4:5 He is our defense.