The several references made in the Psalms to wings, when speaking of the ability of the Lord teach us that they are indicative of His presence. The term, wings of the wind is used, showing that both wings and wind are representative of the Holy Spirit. Actually, the word used is the Hebrew word, ruach, which may be translated wind or spirit. He was seen upon the wings of the wind. 2 Sam. 22:11 He flew on the wings of the wind. Ps. 18:10 He walked on the wings of the wind. Ps. 104:3 All indicating not only His presence but His living, active presence.

Wings are also used to declare the protection of the Lord. King David, in his many difficulties and times when it was necessary for him to flee from his enemies, learned to trust in the shadow of the wings of the Lord. His complete confidence was placed in the Lord. Ps. 36:7 The wings of the Lord are referred to as a hiding place, a refuge under which there is full safety. Ps. 17:8 Here is to be found comfort and solace because of confidence exhibited in His truth. The Lord is the shield and protection of all who place their trust in Him. Ps. 91:4 Because of the deliverance and help found under His wings he declared that it was to be a place of gladness and rejoicing.
Ps. 63:7 In this theme, David gave a statement which is representative of the theme which we are about to enter into. He said that he would abide in this place of refuge,î until these calamities where past.î Ps. 57:1 This too will be the experience of the church in the last days.

A most precious gift is given to the woman of Revelation twelve. The two wings of a great eagle. Rev. 12:14 There is no greater demonstration of power and glory than that which is displayed by the Lord through His Spirit. This woman is filled with the completeness, the entirety, the whole sum of all that the Lord is. She is the vessel of the fullness of the Lord. Eph. 3:19 She is His eternal Temple 1 Cor. 6:1 Those in whom He dwells through the Spirit. 1 Cor. 3:16 She is the glorified Bride of Christ adorned with all the beauty and splendor of the Lord. Rev. 12:1 She will give birth to a male child who is immediately caught, seized, caught away, up to heaven, (so he could not possible be Christ). Rev. 12:5 Jesus lived thirty years and then ministered to the people for three and one half years. He was thirty three and a half years old when He was resurrected and translated into heaven. Furthermore, the book of Revelation was not written as history but rather as a prophetic book containing prophecies which will occur in the future and even now evidence is being given as to their impending fulfillment. Such terms as, ìshortly come to pass.î Rev. 1:1 ìThe time is at hand.î Rev. 1:3 ìThings which shall be hereafter.î Rev. 1:19 ìThings which must be hereafter.î Rev. 4:1, show the futuristic viewpoint of the book.

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