We have but to read the history of Israel to learn what the future holds and the things which shall come to pass. It is even as Solomon said; there is nothing new under the sun. The actions of those of the past, foreshadow the future. Eccl. 1:9 The perverted worship which is recorded by Ezekiel is an introduction to that which even now is in great evidence. Like in the days of Ezekiel there are even greater abominations to come. Eze. 8:13 Tammuz is identified as a Phoenician deity who is also found in other ancient mythologies under various names. He was slain by a boar and descended into the nether world. He was the idol of beauty and licentiousness. Not only was remembered by the weeping of the women but it was a time of wanton corruption and iniquity. This activity took place in what is our month of July.
Surely, that was the ultimate of false worship, but no, Ezekiel was introduced to an even greater abomination. This time he was taken into the inner court of the Lordís house. An intrusion into the sanctuary by approximately twenty five men who are seen worshipping the sun. What a contrast to the call of the Spirit which was prophesied by Joel. He called for weeping between the poach and the altar, or heart felt repentance and turning to the Lord. Joel 2:17 Note that the people of the Lord were to be gathered for it was a time of cleansing or sanctification. Joel 2:16 When this is accomplished then he would send them corn, (the Word), wine (the joy of the Spirit of the Lord) and oil (the precious anointing of the Holy Spirit). Joel 2:19 They are liberated from their enemy. Joel 2:20 They are taken into the wilderness. Joel 2:23 Rev. 12:6, 14 All this the result of a combination of the early and the latter rain, in the first month, the month of new beginnings. Joel 2:23 This is the last day revival.
We find here in these two prophecies the extremities of the last days, gross deception and a time of true worship and revival. We are aptly warned that there is one coming, in great power, producing signs and wonders, through a satanic spirit, who will convince those who do not love the truth that he is the Christ. 2 Thess. 2:9-10 Incidentally, the word used here for his coming, is the Greek word parousia, the same word as used for the coming of the Lord Jesus or the rapture. Consider the possibility of those who have just a casual knowledge of what takes place at the coming of the Lord Jesus could be deceived by a false rapture. He received a deadly wound and was healed causing all the world to marvel. Rev. 13:3 The false prophet will cause the unsaved people of the earth to worship the antichrist. He will produce great wonders and will cause the world to make an image of the beast (idol worship). Rev.13:11-14.