There are other statements made by the Lord Jesus which pertain to the end of the age which are grossly overlooked. The true church which will emerge from among the churches of this age will be one of exceeding great power and glory. An assemblage of people who like the Apostle Paul know the meaning of his words when he said that he was pressed out of measure. 2 Cor. 1:8 Adverse situations in life have a way of breaking one, or creating a person of superior strength and spirituality. Jesus in Gethsemane, was pressed beyond measure. There, under the extreme pressure of bearing the sins of the world, He sweat great drops of blood. Luke 22:44 Most definitely, the Lord Jesus had a perfect prayer life, but here, under extremely adverse conditions, it is said; ìHe prayer more earnestly.î While it is not so in His case, in ours, if we will not pray, we will be driven to prayer or lose out with the Lord.
It would be a joy to write a more joyful message, and we will, but there is another side to the message of the gospel and we had better know it. Just listen to the words of the Lord Jesus as He spoke them in Matthew twenty four. In relationship to the time which He titled, the beginning of sorrows, (Mt. 24:8) He said that there would be persecution in all the nations of the world. This is already in evidence in many of the countries of this world. If you think that this does not include the United States of America, think again. He said ALL NATIONS. Mt. 24:9 The major signs leading up to such a situation in America are already in process. The persistent push to remove any sign, or words which relate to Christianity is but a small sign along the road warning of things to come. The breakdown of the family will lead to the fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus as recorded in Mt. 10:21 This will effect, both the natural family and the spiritual family.
Jesus envisioned a people in the end of the age who were capable of enduring the fearsome onslaught of the enemy against the true church which will become His bride. He spoke the word endure, not as foreseeing a people who barely make it through the testingís and the trials, but a group who are more than conquerors through the Word of the Lord and the power an help of the Holy Spirit. They are a triumphant nation, gathered out of all nations, and made to be the people of the Most High. Mt. 10:22 They are a people who have been prepared, trained to endure hardness as a good soldier of the Lord Jesus. 2 Tim. 2:3 While made ready by their leaders to face every situation, they are loving, kind tenderhearted and concerned about the spiritual welfare of all mankind.