The rod has blossomed. For the Israel of that day, the people to whom this prophecy was directed, the time of the rod of His anger had come. Eze. 7:10 To them the rod was about to become the evidence of His wrath against their backslidings. Lam. 3:1 Spiritual ignorance or lethargy was to be no excuse. Their unbelief and their worship of false gods had rendered them to be void of an understanding of the ways of the Lord. Pr. 10:13
The blossoming of the rod would have been a statement which should cause them to think of their own history and the overnight action of the Lord upon the rod of Aaron. When his rod, along with eleven other rods was kept over night in the Ark of the Covenant, it budded, blossomed and bore fruit in one night. Thus, showing that the house of Levi and Aaron in particular had been chosen of the Lord for the office of the priesthood. Num. 17:6-8 Of the three articles placed in the Ark of the Covenant, (which were a type of the Godhead), it is the rod which represents the Holy Spirit, He is the fruitful one. Not only will we see revival in the last days but there will also be a counter move of the powers of darkness. Spiritual deception will be rampant. 2 Tim. 3:13 As the rod of the Lord, the moving of the Holy Spirit, reaches its fruition, so, the rod of wickedness will come to its climax. The counterfeit will appear to be the real thing and will display great signs and lying wonders. 2 Thess. 2:9-10
The key to discovering and exposing that which is false is the complete lack of humility manifest by those involved. The man of pride will lead with a spirit of pride, gripping the hearts of those who become his followers. Nebuchadnezzar is a prime example of the pride of the heart of man. The Lord chose to humble him and in doing so took his kingdom from him. Then sent him as an animal into a desert place where he lived as an animal. Dan. 5:20-21 A condition which prevailed until he knew and was willing to admit that he was not a god but mere man.
The seven fold punishment for sin is reserved for the and of the age as men trust more and more in their so called, natural abilities. As they refuse the Word of the Lord their hearts will be hardened and pride will control their hearts and lives. Lev. 26:18-19 The emphasis of the day is to develop personal pride. It is a message that resounds from the teachers desk to the pulpit, for it is the way of the world and is not the message of the heart of the Lord. 1 John 2:16 The way of pride leads to death and eternal separation from the Lord, while the true ways of the Lord lead to life everlasting.