The man of the fullness of the glory of the Lord seen as the occupant of the throne of heaven. He is seen as having the color of amber. The translation of this word varies from the yellow color of our amber today to the shining of a compound of gold and silver or even brass, all of which may be applied as a spiritual element found in the Lord Jesus. This glow, the bright light being emanating from the very heart of the throne is seen by Ezekiel three times. Eze. 1:4, 1:27, 8:2 He describes this fiery One as being clothed in what can only be called cloven or divided tongues of fire. That same fire was to descend on the day of Pentecost as the waiting believers were filled with the fire of the Spirit. Acts 2:3 Thus, in keeping with the prophecy of John the Baptist, they were baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. Luke 3:16 The fire divided at His loins, blazed upwards and downwards. Jesus speaking of the baptism of the Spirit stated that from the loins, belly or innermost being, the Spirit would flow like rivers of living water. John 7:38-39 The same Spirit, the same source.
If our God is a consuming fire (Heb. 12:29) and He is, then we should not be astonished that He would reveal Himself in such a fiery manner. When Israel saw His glory on the mount they saw it as a blazing wild fire, which were it natural fire would have certainly devoured everything on the mountain. Ex. 24:17 As shocking as it may be, heaven is a place of fire. The glory of the Lord is as a consuming fire and the prophet Isaiah states that the righteous will spend eternity dwelling with the devouring fire and the everlasting burnings. Isa. 33:14 That is not a destructive fire but the continual presence of the power of the Spirit as it will flow throughout the eternal kingdom of the Lord. When Solomon dedicated the temple the glory of the Lord descended as fire and consumed the sacrifices prepared by Him, Demonstrating that the glory of the Lord and His glory are one and the same. 2 Chr. 7:1-3
Associated with the revelation of the nature of the Lord there is always that light. A brilliant, scintillating, pulsating, glowing, active light. Because God is light and what we live by today is created light made in the proper strength to maintain life on the earth, the light of the Lord will be in its fullness, absolute power. For example, Isaiah proclaimed that the sun would shine seven times brighter. Isa. 30:26 Seven being a number of divine completion, that would amount to the absolute maximum of the brilliancy of the light of the Lord. After all, the Lord did liken Himself to a Sun. Ps. 84:11.