Signs which must precede the second coming of the Lord Jesus. ìAnd then they shall see the Son of man coming in a cloud.î Luke 21:27 When these things BEGIN to come to pass, THEN LOOK UP, for your redemption draweth nigh.î Luke 21:28 Now, just what are the things, the signs which announce His return? Signs, in the sun, the moon and the stars. Luke 21:25 Ezekiel under the inspiration of the Lord proclaimed a darkened heavens. Eze. 32:8 Isaiah linked this occurrence with the destruction of the universe and the eradication of sinners. Isa. 13:9-13 Note it is called, the day of His fierce anger. We take note also that Jesus affirmed that all this would be immediately AFTER, or at the conclusion of the great tribulation. Mt. 24:29
Note the events which are usually associated with the rapture, that Jesus said, would come to pass at the close of the great tribulation. He comes with clouds, and when He does, all will see the coming of the Son of man. Mt. 24:30 Then they shall see the sign of the Son of man in heaven. At this time, immediately after the tribulation, He will send His angels with the great sound of a TRUMPET. It is here, at this time, that He will gather His own from the four quarters of the earth. Mt. 24:31.

An emotional time such as never has been will be manifest among the unsaved leaders and peoples of the world. Ezekiel said their hearts would be greatly vexed or troubled. Eze. 32:9 Jesus said that menís hearts would fail them for fear of those things which were coming to pass on the earth. Luke 21:26 The element of fear in Ezekielís day was the power of the sword of the Lord which was very evidently against Pharaoh. Eze. 32:10-11 An event which was to cause all to fear and tremble for their lives. What an awesome sight, a sharp sword flashing back and forth from the mouth of the Lord Jesus. It is the Word of His mouth, spoken under the full anointing and authority of Almighty God. In that day all nations will feel the effect of His living Word. Rev. 19:15 At the time of the battle of Armageddon, (Rev. 16:16) Jesus is shown coming as a thief in the night, at a time when great darkness will prevail. Rev. 16:15 Note carefully, that when He comes as a thief, the heavens will explode with a great noise. The elements of the earth will all melt with His fiery appearance. Every work of man, in every city of the world, will be utterly destroyed by fire. 2 Pet. 3:10 The Lord Jesus will come with flaming fire taking vengeance on the ungodly. 2 Thess. 1:7-8 His coming as a thief is not to the saved, the redeemed, but to the ungodly and the antichristal element which will prevail in that day. The saved are not in darkness that that day should come upon them as a thief in the night. 1 Thess. 5:4.

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