CAST OUT. Sin separates from the Lord. We remember that Jesus said that he beheld Satan fall from heaven as lightning. Luke 10:18 The scripture also reveal that his time is now spent before the Lord accusing the brethren day and night, so access to heaven is not yet totally denied him. He will be expelled eternally at the end of the age after the birth of the man child. Rev. 12:9 An event which will involve a brief war in heaven where he is defeated and he and his angels are never again seen in heaven. Rev. 12:7-8 Heaven is cleansed, sanctified eternally, this will be the last of the likes of him.
THE MOUNTAIN OF GOD. Mountains are noted for their height. So the mountain of the Lord is the height, the fullness or the very epitome of His presence. It is called the mountain occupied as a dwelling place of the justice and holiness of the Lord. Jer. 31:23 Daniel saw a stone carved from the mountain of the Lord which would destroy the kingdom of the antichrist. Dan . 9:35 That same stone was to continue on until it became a great mountain filling the whole earth. Thus, we see a Messianic prophecy which will reach its climax in the end of the age. That mountain will become a well established mountain in the last days as a source of revival and the renewing of the Spirit of the Lord in the people. It is a like a great magnet attracting the multitudes of the world to the mountain, the Lord Jesus. Mic. 4:1 The finished product, the pinnacle of the highest of mountains is the mountain upon which the new Jerusalem will be established, it is noted as being a great (the greatest) and high (the highest) mountain. Rev. 21:10.
I WILL DESTROY YOU. Eze. 28:16 This sentence is imposed upon Tyre and all that it signifies. Which definitely includes the antichrist and eventually the devil himself. From the beginning the Lord said that the man, the seed of the woman, would bruise ( to overwhelm, break or cover) the head of the serpent, the devil. Gen. 3:15 That seed not only includes the Lord Jesus but the final act prior to the complete disruption and casting down of Satan, is the birth of the man child. His immediate translation into heaven triggers the final blow of the accuser of the brethren. Rev. 12:9-10.
He knows he has but a short time (three and one half years) to accomplish his final works on earth. Rev. 12:12 At the close of that period of time he will be bound for a thousand years and cast into the bottomless pit where he is placed in solitary confinement. Only to be loosed for a brief period of time when he will attempt to deceive the nations one more time. Rev. 20:2-3,7 His final destination is the lake of fire along with his cohorts, the antichrist and the false prophet. Rev. 20:19 Never again will he be an influence of any kind. Eze. 28:19.