The title given this false church, MOTHER OF HARLOTS, is indicative of such things as false worship, false doctrine. Basically anything that leads one away from the truth which is found in the Lord Jesus. To limit this most impressive figure to one ecclesiastical body is spiritual blindness. This harlot church is all inclusive and will be comprised of every individual and all who are apostate and are willing to compromise their faith at the time of her formation. Yes, even those who come from a background of the most spiritual groups will be found in her as they are deceived by her beauty. Imagine, John for all his spiritual wisdom and understanding marveled and with great acceptance admired the beauty which his eyes beheld in her.
Rev. 17:6 The presentations of Satan are beautiful on the outside and to the sight of those who look upon his concoctions but inwardly they are filled with dead menís bones and all manner of impurity and corruption. Mt. 23:27.
We have a more sure word of prophesy upon which we may completely depend as we search for the truth as revealed in the Word of the Lord. Where better to turn than the prophets of old, those whom the Lord sent to speak to and warn the people of Israel. Isaiah declared that the city of faith had become a harlot, for they had turned from the truth and believed and worshipped gods other than the true and living God. Isa. 1:21 The rescue, the great advancement of life extended to them shows a woman of great beauty and majesty according to Ezekielís prophecy in Ezekiel 16:4-16 The Lord made her to be a people of extensive beauty even to the point of perfection. The picture portrayed by Ezekiel rivals that which is seen by John pertaining to this great whore. Both women with extensive and powerful appeal to the eye.
Beauty mixed with pride is deadly. Lucifer was and still presents himself in a manner which is very appealing to the eye, the natural man. The city of the Lord, Jerusalem, the very heart of Israel was glorified and beautified by the presence of the Lord until they mixed pure worship with that of the heathen around them. The blessings which the Lord had bestowed upon them they used in making idols of other gods and in this manner committed spiritual whoredom. Eze. 16:17-59 The sin of Israel and Jerusalem was no small matter in the sight of the Lord. He was surely greatly grieved with their rejecting Him and becoming so greatly embroiled in false worship. The very nations and the false gods to which they had become addicted would be the cause and executioner of their demise. Sin of any kind is destructive and deadly. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Eze. 18:20.