Whoís direction of life is not equitable, just or right. Certainly not the Lordís. Yet the accusation of the people was against the righteous ways of the Lord. They blamed Him, declaring that His ways were inequitable and unfair. Eze. 18:25 Today the cry is similar; too restrictive, too narrow, too strong against sin. Much the same as in that day. As a matter of fact, the mannerism and workings of the Lord are always fair and just. The Lord Jesus is the Branch, the King who will reign and prosper while executing judgment and justice. Jer. 23:5 He is justice personified. The wise and understanding will not quibble about the requirements of the Lord but being wise, will acknowledge that His ways are right and just. Thus, they shall walk in righteousness while the unrighteous will stumble and fall. Hos. 14:9
Sin is a destructive force, its end is the way of death. Regardless of the stature achieved, morally or more important spiritually, sin will bring the condemnation of death upon all. The righteous, if they sin die because of their sin, except they repent. The unrighteous, repenting and turning from their sin, will not die but gain eternal life because they forsake their sin. Eze. 18:26-29 It is just that simple and straight forward. Jesus, the just one, the sinless one paid the penalty for the sin for all mankind, baring none. The unjust are all justified through His atonement, that is, His blood shed on the tree, when they come to Him for pardon. 1 Peter 3:18 It is a clear matter of eternal life or eternal death. The choice is up to every individual. Shall we accept His justice or reject it?
A vital question asked of them that each and every human being must ask themselves. Why will we die? Every provision for a beautiful life here and now and for eternity has been made by the Lord. None need die in their sin. No doubt, the Lord marvels at the ignorance of mankind when they disregard all of His preparations for them to live eternally, choosing rather to die in their sins and suffer the consequences of eternal death. The call of the Lord is to cast off all transgressions and iniquity which cannot benefit but will only bring destruction. Exchange it for a new heart and a new spirit. A complete change of the direction of ones life. Eze. 18:30-32 Become a new creation in the Lord Jesus. The old way of living is expelled from the heart and a brand new life is born in the heart and spirit. The perfect heart transplant. He gives us His heart in the place of that old heart, which at its very best was still vile and wicked. 2 Cor. 5:17 Contrary to what some think, the Lord finds no pleasure in rejecting anyone. His great desire is that all would turn from their sin and come to Him for forgiveness. 2 Peter 3:9.