The soul that sins, it will die. Eze. 18:4 The soul of man is the creation of the Lord, as such it is His prerogative to deal with it as He will. It is identified by the scriptures as being the blood, the life of the flesh. Lev. 17:11 The blood, the soul life of man and beast is that which motivates the flesh or the body, maintaining life. The emotions of natural life are demonstrated as being a part of this nature of the soul. Obviously, it is the source of decisions which are made, in a spiritual life, which lead either to life eternal or eternal separation from the Lord. He makes a difference between that soul or person who practices sin and the individual who has been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ, of whom it was prophesied that, Jesus would pour out His soul unto death. Isa. 53:12 From the multiplicity of animals sacrificed under the Law, to the once for all sacrifice of Christ on Calvary, His is the only acceptable offering for the forgiveness of sin. Heb. 10:10 The sinning soul, justly condemned to eternal death, need not die for Christ has died in their place. If only they will accept Him as Savior and redeemer.
The just, fulfilling the Word of the Lord, will not be responsible for the actions of others, neither the father for the son nor the son for the father. Eze. 18:5-17 The individual living a righteous life will not be held accountable for the misdeeds of another, regardless of family association. The only person in the history of mankind to be held accountable for the iniquity of others is the Lord Jesus. He took upon Himself the sin and iniquity of the whole of the human race. The Just One suffered for the unjust that they might know eternal life. 1 Peter 2:24 Each and every person shall give an accounting of their own deeds. The righteous may declare His righteousness and subsequent acceptance, while the unrighteous must confess his wickedness and receive a just reward. Yet, if the wicked will turn now from his wickedness, he may be forgiven and accepted. Eze. 16:21-22 Contrarily to what some may believe, the Lord does not take pleasure in the rejecting the ungodly, He would much rather see them turn form their wicked ways and follow His Word. Eze. 18:23
On the other hand, it is a extremely serious matter to turn from the Lord and begin to live a life of unrighteousness. Regardless of all of the past good deeds , the bad decision of turn from a life of holiness will cause the past to be totally disregarded. Eze. 18:24 What fearful consequences are faced when we depart from the Lord. The Lord Jesus spoke of those who would boast of many actions they had been involved in for the Lord but because of a life style contrary to the Word, were rejected. Mt. 7:22-23.