The consequences of resisting the will of the Lord are not always immediately evident. He is merciful and will strive with that heart, or in this case, a nation to bring them to repentance. The seventeenth chapter of Ezekiel is devoted to the history of their defeat and captivity, by Babylon. Also the subsequent failure of the Egyptian army to withstand the second onslaught of the Babylonians. The people of the covenant found it difficult to keep any covenant. Not only did they break the covenant made with the Lord but also that which had been made with Babylon. As a result they brought upon themselves the judgment of the Lord in being taken captive. Even so, the Lord said that He allowed this that He might plead with them, while they are under adverse conditions. Eze. 17:1-21 Of necessity, there are times when the Lord uses adversities, which we bring upon ourselves, to come into our lives that He might get our attention. (v.19-21)

The Lord, who is the author of life, both natural and spiritual, has a purpose in all of His mighty works. He is not hasty in His works. Here, once again, He waits until the tree, Israel, has been brought down, dried up and for all practical purposes, dead. Eze. 17:23-24 However, He is not finished with His mighty works. Out of that which has been destroyed, He will bring forth a great change. The tree which had been brought low, will be exalted. The dry tree will spring to life and be made to flourish. The Lord will plant a twig which would be highly visible to all. It will prosper and grow, spreading itís wings or branches. Becoming fruit bearing, that is prosperous, becoming a tree of great value. It was to become the resting place of every flying fowl, dwelling under the shadow of its mighty wings. In the end, all the trees of the field, the nations of the world, will know that the Lord is in control. He will exalt whom He will exalt and abase those whom He will abase. He is in charge. He is in control.

Historically, after they had been in captivity seventy years, the Lord ultimately reinstated Israel into its land. Prophetically, there is a Messianic message to be found here. The Lord Jesus is the Branch planted on the high mountain and displayed to all. John 12:32 The place of refuge is to be found in Him. We soon learn to abide under the shadow of His wings. Ps. 57:1 One of the many titles attributed to Him is that of the Branch. He is that Branch, coming from the root of Jesse, upon whom rested the fullness of the seven fold Spirit of the Lord. Isa. 11:1-2 He is to reign over a spiritual kingdom here on this earth for a thousand years. A kingdom of righteousness and purity, in which there will be no sinners. Even if they could get there they would not want to stay. They would not like it. Rev. 20:2-7.

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