The ideal New Man is a person of total commitment to the Lord. There was an ad on the radio the other day where a very successful and rich business man stated that, to make money, you have to love it. To grow in Christ we must love Him and His Word with all of our hearts. Spiritual growth is based on and nurtured by our love for Him. The first and great commandment whereby the Christian life is directed is that of great and true love for the Lord. A love which involves the whole man. Mt. 22:37 It is the great and vital commandment.
However, the second commandment is strongly linked to the first for it requires unequivocal love for our neighbors. Not just those next door but for all of the human race. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Mt. 22:39 The statement of the Lord Jesus does not divide humanity into loveable and unlovable categories but includes all, every shape, size and character to be our neighbors. Our only true example for everything in the Christian life is Jesus. His love is equal toward all, without exception.
The New Man bears little resemblance to the old. As a matter of fact, where would one find a person who even vaguely resembled that which Jesus exemplified. On the cross, he prayed for the forgiveness of those who had crucified Him. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Luke 23:34 It is little wonder then that He would teach His disciples to likewise love their enemies and to pray for those who persecute you. Mt. 5:44 This prayer for them was not to be that the Lord would pronounce a curse on them but rather forgiveness. The prayer of a heart filled with the love of the Lord. Thereby is to be found proof that the New Man is actually living and active within our spirit nature. This is a manifestation of the power of the new life which is to be seen in all of the children of the Lord. Mt. 5:45 We have another example in Stephen, the first martyr who was stoned by an angry mob of religious individuals. Stephen lived a real Spirit filled life. He was so filled with the nature and life of Christ, that like Him, he prayed for the forgiveness of those who had stoned him. Acts 7:60 Having this example before us we know the effectiveness of that new life which has now become the life of everyone who professes Christ.