The new man has been brought into existence that we might gain the full benefits of the life of Christ. The Apostle Paul recognized that there were great things prepared for those who would strive for them. Among them was his desire to obtain resurrection life while still in this life. The AMP Version of the New Testament translates his words this way, that I might attain to the spiritual and moral resurrection [that lifts me] out from among the dead [even while in the body]. Then there is a foot note for the word spiritual, Williams: Double compound non meaning a spiritual, moral resurrection, not the final, physical one, which will be the climax. That opens the door for advancement to a spiritual life that is far greater than any that even the most spiritual are presently living. It is a life, a ministry which will come into evidence in the last day revival and will emulate the full life of Christ. Phil. 3:11.
Did Paul really mean that resurrection life was to be obtained in this life? Lets see what he preached. He taught that water baptism was a spiritual act and experience. It is far more than a public confession of having accepted Christ. Water baptism is a conforming to the death of the Lord Jesus. He said, we are, buried with Him by baptism into death: As real and as vital a spiritual part of our spiritual life in Christ as the new birth. Rom. 6:4 Water baptism is a matter of life or death. Death to the old man, the natural man, the carnal man, that sinful nature which will dominate our lives until it is buried with Christ. It is also termed a planting. Seed planted must first germinate, die then it springs forth into life. So, the old man must be planted before the new man can grow into a useful and beautiful plant. Rom. 6:5.
Accompanying the burial in water there is a resurrection. A manifestation of new life. The nature of a person is changed. Now, the glory of the Lord is revealed in that person of new life. Now, we are to be in the likeness of His resurrection. Rom. 6:4-5 Water baptism is an act of spiritual circumcision. The reason for compromise in the church today is partially due to a watered down baptism. That which should be of great importance and blessing has been reduced to a mere religious form. It must be a time of the putting off of the flesh, the sinful nature. The burial of the individual body of sin. We are privileged to participate in His resurrection glory and power, providing we plant the old man. Col. 2:12.