The New Man is a son of God. It make no difference that the term has been badly misused and abused, the fact remains that the Word of the Lord calls the repentant heart, a son of God. John 1:12 The sons of God are represented as being numerically, of an uncountable multitude. A number that exceeds all that have ever been born on earth and ever will be. Give an accounting of the volume of the numbers indicated in the word of the Lord. We find the prophecy of Hosea proclaiming them to be as numberless as the sand on the sea shore, something which cannot be measured or numbered. Hos. 1:10 This follows the promise of the Lord to Abraham that his seed would be multiplied as the sand of the seashore. Gen. 22:17

That promise also reached out and embraced the stars of the heavens. Again a number which is beyond our imagination and ability to count. Man is still looking for the edge of the universe and has not found it. This promise was first given to Abraham. Gen. 22:17 The promise was not limited to the number of stars visible to the natural eye. It is a number comparable to the sand of the sea. Because the Lord showed him the stars there is always the possibility that he saw them as the Lord sees them for multitude. Gen. 15:5 The Lord declared that He would multiply the seed of David, the Lord Jesus, until it would be as multitudinous as the uncountable hosts of heaven. Likewise, as the sand of the sea cannot be numbered so the number of the sons of God would be. Jer. 33:22 How many life times would it take to number the three measurements given?

How interesting, the Lord formed man out of the dust of the ground.
Gen. 2:7 These physical bodies are destined to return to the dust of the earth. Gen. 3:19 As the third amount used to seal the promise made to Abraham the Lord used the dust of the earth as a measurement of the vast number yet to be fulfilled. Gen. 13:16 Dust is so small, carried by winds and drafts, settling everywhere. An unceasing problem for every house keeper. The most important question is, who can measure it. When this earth is all wrapped up and finished, will the Lord have the numberless numbers which He has predicted. His orders to the first Adam was to be fruitful and multiply. The Lord created man in His own image and likeness and blessed them with the blessing of multiplication. Gen. 1:27-28 There is a last Adam who is a quickening Spirit. 1 Cor. 15:45.

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