The New Man is a dead man. Not physically dead but will have died to the desires, and lusts of this world. Paul did not exclude any, when he said, OUR old man is crucified with Christ. He was not speaking just for himself but was letting all who are in Christ, know that there is one and the same experience for each member of the body of Christ. Rom. 6:6 How can we become one with Him, if we have not been one with Him from the beginning. Experiencing the cross is a necessary part of Christian living. Not only are our sins forgiven at the cross but we must visit the cross and experience its death that we might live for Christ. It is a simple fact of Christianity that if we have died with Christ we shall also live with Him. Rom. 6:8.
Sin is the master of spiritual slavery. Sin is bondage and the grossest sort of servitude. It takes dominion and demands complete control. It will create habits which demand complete gratification and satisfaction. There is no liberty to be found in it. The crucified life, dying to self, will destroy the power and authority of sin. Paul was able to say to the Roman church that they had been (past tense) the servants of sin. However, now through obedience to the doctrine which they had been taught they were free from sin. Rom. 6:17-18.
The New Man has made an exchange which has completely changed and altered his life style. He has laid aside the old man, the carnal nature, through the process of salvation and spiritual growth. It its place they have put on the New Man, the Christ like nature. Now they are being changed into the likeness and character of the Lord who created mankind in the first place.
Col. 3:9-10 The intention of the Lord was to have a people like unto Himself, for they were first created after His image and His likeness. Gen. 1:27 His Divine purpose in the salvation of mankind is to fully accomplish His first intent and objective by taking that which was corrupted by sin, redeeming it and grant it the privilege of being like Him. We are changed by our vision of Him, which is inspired by the Word of the Lord. When He is approached with a hungry and open hearted attitude, willing to allow the Word of the Lord to reign supremely in our lives, we enter into a process of change. A change that is both challenging and drastic. Its goal is to be in His image. That means to be exactly like Him. 2 Cor. 3:18.