The Apostle Paul narrated his past religious stature. He was a Pharisee of high religious stature. His achievements are cataloged in Phil. 3:3-6 When he became a new man in Christ, these things lost their meaning to him for he found a whole new manner of life in the Lord Jesus. All that he had sought after and gained were now immaterial to him. They were laid aside for the explicit purpose of gaining Christ. All his past ambitions are now meaningless. His new goal is that he might gain Christ. All his past knowledge and practice of the Law, that of which he took great pride, he is considering as nothing but refuse. Phil. 3:8.
His new goal, and hopefully the goal of every new creature in Christ, is to have a complete and excellent knowledge of Christ Jesus. An understanding of His manner of life and spiritual principles comes by association with Him. Jesus is revealed in the Word of the Lord. All that we need to know and understand concerning Jesus and His will in our lives is revealed in the Word. Paul, the scholar was constantly seeking to know more about the Lord Jesus. Can you feel the deer longing in his words, that I may know Him. Phil. 3:10 There was a deep longing and as strong passion in him to fully know the Lord Jesus. The new man, the inner, spiritual man is stirred by the Holy Spirit to seek the Lord Jesus with the whole heart, mind and spirit.
The goals of the new man are self evident as we read the writings of Paul. First, to win or gain Christ. To have His presence in our inner man. Secondly, to be found in Him. A combination of dwelling in Christ and Christ dwelling in us. A blessed state of spiritual advancement and growth. Thirdly, In absolute righteousness, not of our selves but of Him. Paul lived in the righteousness of the Law until he came to Christ and found true righteousness. A righteousness which is not earned but is imputed to the believer. A life, a pattern of righteousness which is lived in this world , in the body of flesh, but it is His life being manifest in us. Fourthly, he wanted to have the power of the resurrection of Christ manifest in his life in this world and for entrance to the world to come. Fifthly, to know the Lord Jesus in his sufferings and his death. In other words being crucified with Him. Dying to the world and its attractions and desires. Not an easy choice nor an easy path but a blessed one where the glory of the Christ life is made manifest in those who will totally commit to the Lord Jesus. Phil. 3:8-10.