Gal. 3:27 Baptized into (Strong. eis – indicating the point reached or entered). Water baptism brings us into a relationship with Christ. We put on, clothe or endue ourselves with the very nature of Christ.
Gal. 4:19 Travail bring results. The formation of the Christ within. The life of Christ to be fashioned in the believer. Formed (morphoo). A transformation to take place.
Col. 3:10 Putting on the new nature. Which faces a process of renewal or renovation. Will come to the knowledge of those things necessary to make us like Christ. Brought to the same likeness, resemblance of the one who created or fabricated, made, manufactured us.
1 Jn. 2:3-7. The evidence of a fellowship and relationship with Christ. WE have evidence of our knowing Him if: We keep His commandments, obedience to the WORD. v.4 If we say we keep them but don’t then we are liars, and there is no truth in us. v. 5 Keeping His Word will cause the love of God to reach perfection in us. Assuring us that we are indeed in Him. v. 6 If one claims to be in Christ he must also walk accordingly. Even as He walked. v. 7 This is not some new commandment but that which was from the beginning. That is the Word which you have heard from the beginning.
The Lord is in the process of producing new men, new creatures. Consequently they will be a new race, a spiritual people who bear the image and likeness of the Almighty. These are born by spiritual birth. They are regenerated by Heavenly, Spiritual seed, the Word of the Lord. They have been born unto life eternal. 1 Peter 1:23.
God is light, He has always been light, there is no darkness whatsoever in Him. 1 John 1:5 He created a special light for this world on the first day o creation. (Gen. 1:3-5). A light which was in existence before He created the light giving bodies of light, on the fourth day. (Gen. 1:14-18) The heavenly bodies which now give light to the universe. Jesus, is the light of the world. John 8:12 That light has shined into our hearts introducing the Lord Jesus to us. Giving to us a knowledge of the glory of the Lord as it is revealed in the Lord Jesus. Bringing us unto Himself that we might walk in the light of the Lord Jesus Christ and fellowship with Him. 1 John 1:7.
The precious blood of the Lord Jesus is the only blood of redemption. The new person must be cleansed by His blood. There is no other way for mankind to be pardoned and set free from their sins but by the blood of Christ. Eph. 1:7 Those who worshipped the Lord under the old covenant and sacrificed the blood of animals for atonement were merely offering substitute sacrifices. They were ineffectual and failed in producing a new creature. Now, through the Lord Jesus, who is the only mediator, the old covenant saints are pardoned. They have received the promise of eternal life, through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. Heb. 9:15.
Jesus came with a complete witness and testimony. That of water, blood and Spirit. 1 John 5:6 We are in close relationship with the Lord when our hearts have been sprinkled with His blood. These three are evident in salvation. We are privileged to draw nigh through the blood of Christ, and our bodies having been washed in the pure water of baptism. Heb. 10:22 There is then that process of inner cleansing which takes place through the washing of the water, the word of the Lord. Eph. 5:26 The Word will not only cleanse but it will put the finishing touches on His construction making the building worthy of being His temple.
There is an emptiness in the heart of man, which can only be satisfied by one thing, and that is the majestic presence of the Lord. In His original creation every thing was beautiful until contaminated by sin. When He made man, His highest creation, He placed within Him a desire to live and to live eternally. It is seen in the words of Solomon found in Eccl. 3:11. God, set eternity in the hearts of men. NIV. That desire can be satisfied by one thing alone and that is by very eternity Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ. Participate of the greatest pleasures of the world to the saturation point and there will still remain an emptiness. That eternal part of us finds full and complete satisfaction in Jesus, alone.
The new man is one who is transformed by the New Birth. Even so, there is much more to be accomplished in the growth and completion of that New Man. The church at Galatia had started to revert to the customs of the Law. The keeping of religious days and practices. Paul pointed out to them the futility of such actions. His words are just as effective today as they were then. Especially in relationship to old testament practices that are creeping into the church. He stipulated that their need was for Christ to be formed in them. Gal. 4:19 It is no different today. The word formed is the vital part of this verse and of Christianity. It is the Greek word morphoo. As the caterpillar progresses from a creepy, crawler critter, into a butterfly of beauty so there is a spiritual metamorphoses transforming the sinful man into a man like Christ. A work of beauty and majesty. An individual being transformed into the spiritual nature and character of Christ. Having all of His attributes, gifts and personality shaped and formed in us.
That new man will emulate the personality of the one after whom he is shaped. He will bear His image, His likeness, His stature and His beautiful spiritual bearing. The new man will comprehend the leading of the Spirit and increase in wisdom and knowledge of the Lord, through His Word. Col. 3:10 Those in the temple noted that Peter and John had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 The new man is created to become the vessel of the Spirit. Therefore, he will manifest the true righteousness and holiness which is to be found in the Lord Jesus. It is impossible to be His possession without being like Him. When Christ dwells within our whole prospective of life is altered,