1. The star led them. Mat.2:9. Only the wise men were aware of its existence. Were it not so, Herod would have had no need to request their assistance in finding the Christ child. He could have followed the star himself or have sent his soldiers. Things spiritual are spiritually discerned. The blinded eyes of the ungodly cannot see the truths of the WORD.

2. The star stopped over the house where the child was. What an amazing star this is. Which star is over your house? It indicated to those spiritual men the exact location of the child. The star could not have been far out in the universe but it < came and stood > over the place of the child. What a unique star. Certainly diverse from all other heavenly bodies. Num.24:17 This is the star of whom God forced Balaam to prophecy, This is the star out of Jacob. He is the LIGHT of the world. Rev.22:16. He is the bright and morning star. What better way to announce the coming of the God who is LIGHT than that of holy men led by a blazing sun. Consider what our God is (Ps.84:11). God introduced the coming of grace into the world in a blazing, glorious fashion.

3. They rejoiced greatly when they witnessed the house in which the child was to be found. They were godly men, worshiping the Lord. Mat.2:10. These men are witnesses, please keep this in mind. A witness must be an observer of the thing of which he would testify. The Lord will send two witnesses to testify of Christ during the great tribulation. In order to be a true witness, they must have been there and have seen with their own eyes.

In our subject we are challenged to compare truth with tradition, myths and just outright untruths. We must be Bereans and search the scriptures in order to find and embrace the truth. Buy the TRUTH and sell it not.

Who were the wise men? They were not sorceress nor magicians. For the Lord to have led such men to witness the Christ child would be in direct violation to the Word of the Lord. The word translated wise men in Mat.2:1 is the same word that is translated sorcerer in Acts 13:6,8. This sorcerer was a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar-Jesus (Son of Jesus). Elymas- a wizard. What an interesting person. Paul dealt with him strongly by calling him a child of the devil among other evidences of his unrighteousness. His judgment was to be blind for a season. Is he to be blind for a season. Is he to be considered equal with the wise men? The usage of the word magos (wise men) is unfortunate in this instant.

Firstly ; we must remember that language is a living thing. Words change from generation to generation. This is very evident in today’s world. The word may have had a different mean in that day. Moses commanded the children of Israel to chose out wise men to become their leaders. Deut. 1:13 Daniel was a wise man. Dan. 2:48

Secondly; There is no question about the attitude of the Lord against such practices. Anyone with such a wicked spirit was to be put to death by stoning. Lev.20:27. Could the Lord violate His Word by leading such individuals to the Christ child? It is incongruous that such a thing would be allowed of the Lord.

My two witnesses. Rev.11:3. Tribulation witnesses witnessing to Israel that Christ was their Messiah. Remember, a witness must have been present at the event to which they will give witness. These men are Identifiable by the judgments which they perform. Their works are the same deeds that were performed by Moses and Elijah.

As we have already noted these two must attest to the fact of the birth and childhood of Christ. They were there. Moses and Elijah appeared with him on the mt of transfiguration. Mat.17:2. There is no difficulty identifying them here for they are named. They saw Jesus in His eternal glory while He was yet in the body of flesh. The women bringing spices to the sepulcher found it empty. Lk. 24:1-4. Two men with clothing that gleamed like lightning stood by, witnessing of Christ’s resurrection.

At the ascension of Christ two men stood by and witnessed of His second coming. Acts 1:10-11. These visits by these two men will enable them to give a full and complete witness and testimony of Jesus the Christ, the Messiah.:END:wk:

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